At the moment with no mount stamina, yes non of this matters. But for future recommendation I believe that when mount stamina is eventually implemented, non-tamer characters should have the ability to benefit from the higher stamina whether they can command it or not. There will never be a tamer who will choose a Frienzied Ostard over a bonded or unbonded mare therefore these uniquely colored mounts will be as useless then as they are now. They would benefit pks, pvpers, even bank sitting characters who like to play dress up and match they're clothing to they're mount, and at the same time creating a small but unique mount selling economy. ... literally don't see a downside
We have to understand there are and will be people who do not grind out to GM taming in two days. Being able to go find a frenzied and rock that until you can pull of the nightmare is part of the natural progression of a tamer. Just like going to T2A to find you first regular ostard or rideable llama. I think a better solution, considering no one uses them to fight, would be to just nix frenzied ostards and put their hue ranges on regular ostards, if aesthetics is truly what we're after here.
I thought there were randomly hued forest ostards on OSI? Thier hues were different than the frenzieds, but still there. Also, I knew quite a few bank sitters in the day that had just enough taming to control a frenzied just so they could color-coordinate.
I have been working on my tamer since beta lol. 80 shown and counting.... yay. I think its good that for the casual gamer it takes a while to reach the frenzie and then nightmare taming levels, It is a great reward.
There are definitely a decent variety of forest/desert ostards, but the cooler/darker hues tend to be Frenzied only. I am at a core, more inclined to leave it as is, especially if we get a mount fatigue implemented that varies across these types.