Not sure, but something may be off with the decay time for the camps. I cleared out a camp yesterday of all the monsters and loot, but the prisoner wanted to go to Wrong; naturally I said "Screw you, hippie!" and left him there to rot. Well, a little over 9 hours later, I'm running around and the same camp is there with the same prisoner, all the monsters and loot still gone, and the prisoner still wanting to go to Wrong. Might be the way it's supposed to be, or maybe it was supposed to decay over night. Hope this helps! ~Dingo the Inevitable
Nice find, I will look into this and get it solved. Most likely related to the action of refreshing the camp when you find it, so it suddenly doesn't de-spawn while you are there. Thanks for the report.
We found that the Spawners controlling the camps were overriding the code that controls they cycle. This has been adjusted with a temporary fix and should allow proper spawn/despawn of the camps now.