Patch 58 - November 25th 2014, Thanksgiving & Combat Changes

Discussion in 'Patch Notes' started by Chris, Nov 13, 2014.

  1. Chris

    Chris Renaissance Staff
    Renaissance Staff

    May 14, 2012
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    Happy Thanksgiving Renaissance

    Animal Trainer
    • The animal trainer will now perform a range check on any stable target to verify that the target is within 15 tiles of the stable master. Thanks Minallee
    • This will resolve the bug that was allowing players to travel with a stable target up exceeding the logical range for a stable command.
      For more details see this thread >

    Bulk Order Deeds - Rewards
    • Converted the Phoenix Armor rewards from the blacksmithing bulk order deeds reward list to a deeded item.
    • This will replace the current system of receiving a random piece of armor when turning in a qualifying bulk order deed.
    • Given the difficulty in obtaining the armor there is no need for this type of randomization.
    • Using the deed and selecting a piece of armor will place that armor piece in your pack. Once you make a selection you cannot undo your choice.
      Note: All existing phoenix armor pieces will be replaced with deeds after the patch is implemented.
      Note: These deeds, like most other rewards, will not be blessed. However Phoenix armor pieces are newbied.

    Combat - Applied Changes
    • Found and resolved a problem that was causing armor to fully absorb all damage from fists (wrestling)
      Note: The damage for fists was 1d8. In situations where you were punching someone with high quality armor the armor was absorbing all of the damage. This problem was caused by a faulty equation that when applied to the minimum damage for fists was resulting in a fraction which was dropped to zero. Combat damage on Renaissance will never be lower than 50% of the weapons minimum damage level when applied to absorption by armor. Fists being the only weapon with "1" as the minimum damage broke this logic and resulted in a zero damage result.
    • If you successfully hit another player/monster with your fists the lowest damage you can do now will be 1. Thanks Gen/Pill
      Note: A successfully parried hit can still negate this damage completely.
      Note: These changes are live on test center should players wish to test the effect of this fix on combat/interrupts.

    Combat - In Testing
    • Weapons have been converted to use dice rolls for determining the damage a weapon does on a succesful swing.
    • Information on dice rolls can be found here in our stratics archive.
    • To balance the conversion to dice rolls we have adjusted the material and magical bonuses provided by armor to values that are more suitable for our hybrid T2A/UOR point in time.
    • Magical armor no longer gives a default +10 base bonus to AR levels.
    • The bonus for exceptionally crafted armor has been improved from 8 to 12 AR. This is in line with the data available for exceptionally crafted weapons.
    • The material bonuses for leather armor have been adjusted for combat balance.
    • The bonus for an exceptional barbed piece of armor before the patch is (8(exceptional) + 16(barbed) = 24; After the patch it would be (12(exceptional) + 6(barbed) = 18;
    • The material bonuses for metal armor have been adjusted for combat balance as well.
      Note: Once these changes are tested and verified to improve the quality of combat interactions on the Renaissance server they will be applied to global combat.
      Note: These changes are active only during the Hythloth CTF match and are considered to be "in testing". You can also experience these changes on test center.
      To read more about these changes and see some specific details you can read below or click here.
      To review the changes as they apply to individual pieces of armor we have updated the armor list with the updated data. That information can be found here

    Capture the Flag
    • Resolved small problem in which in certain situations balance anomalies were still seen
    • All CTF teams should balance correctly within +/- 1 player regardless of team loading.
    • Fixed a small header issue with the CTF scoreboard gump
    • Fixed a bug in the system that balanced 2 team matches that was leftover from balance testing.
    • Reduced the flag hold timer from 10 minutes to 5 minutes on a testing basis.
    • Players holding the flag will be revealed should they manage to hide themselves by any means.

    • Adjusted the whatisit command to now include the hue of the targeted item.

    • Adjusted the faction stat loss timer from 10 minutes to 5 minutes while we look into the problems with temporary stat loss based skill checks.

    Guild Alliances
    • Completed the implementation of the guild alliance system for pirates/brigands and the undead.
    • These NPC's will no longer view players who's guild is allied with their NPC group as enemies.
    • Pirates/Brigands in the lost lands will ignore any guild alliance settings however.
    • To read more about the Guild Alliance system unique to the Renaissance server click here.

    • Added a "disable courtyard" option to the House Gump - Options section.
    • The Disable Courtyard option will allow you to turn off marking and travelling to a houses courtyard to all players.
    • This option can only be changed once every 24 hours and affects all players.
    • This option, when enabled, treats the courtyard of houses as part of the house with the exception of ban/kick functionality.
      Note: This is in line with a change OSI made in which they added a similar feature, although without the option of turning it off. This feature will be incorporated into the future addition of the moats and bridges which will be added for keeps/castles and forts.

    • Players can now train the lumberjacking skill beyond 65 while sparring with another player or monster.
    • After the player hits 65 skill in lumberjacking skill gain will slow down drastically but you will be able to train the skill to grandmaster levels.
    • Finishing training the skill on trees will be 5-6x faster than this method.
      Note: This change was made after doing research into the amount of boards generated by our players working lumberjacking. This change will result in less boards hitting the economy thus improving the value of these resources for our gatherers and crafters. While allowing our combat related players to gain the skill without adding wood to the world. (or dealing with our attended verification system).
    • The rate at which skill will gain beyond 65 will be adjusted based on additional research and testing.

    • Assigned the proper Armor Value to Forest and Desert Ostards (18)
    • Assigned the proper armor value to frenzied ostards (30) Thanks Dalavar
    • Drakes and Giant Spiders will no longer ignore young player status.
    • Drakes and Giant Spiders that spawn on Ocllo will no longer be able to be tamed.
    • Strong Mongbats will no longer spawn on Ocllo island.
    • Additional spawn will be added to Ocllo island to allow for proper new player level taming training.
    • Added loot backpacks to the following creatures: Phoenix, Slime, Lava Snake, Kirin, Rat, Giant Rat Thanks Dalavar
    • Added smart pathfinding to the following creatures; Phoenix, Lava Snake, Kirin, Giant Rat Thanks Dalavar
    • Pack Instinct has been increased from a range of 1 to a range of 2 tiles around the defender.
    • Resolved a problem that would allow players to release an aggressive creature in town even with the current restrictions.

    Profile Gump
    • Added a direct link to your achievement profile accessible from the profile command.
    • Updated some minor wording issues with links/commands.

    Reporting Murders, Bounty Application
    • Revamped the system in which players are presented with and have the option to report a player for murder and place a bounty on their head.
    • Re-designed the gump based on examples obtained from the T2A/Early UOR era.
      [​IMG] [​IMG]
    • You will only have the option to place a bounty on a murderer if they have more than 4 murder counts and you have at least 1 gold coin in your bank account.
    • Implemented a more detailed system of system messages for the victim clearly indicating that they did report the player for the murder along with a clear indication of any bounty that was applied.
    • You will also be able to see the total bounty for the murderer.
    • For more information regarding the murder count/bounty process see this compendium article Murders, Bounties and Counts

    Small Bulk Orders
    • Small bulk orders will now allow you to target a container of items rather than having to target specific items.
    • This does not change the logic of filling a bulk order deed, it will just attempt to add every item in the container that matches the deed.
    • Any error messages you would normally see are supressed and instead you will see a count of items added to the bulk order.
    • This will work on containers that you have proper access to within 2 tiles of your character.
    • Targeting specific items will still function like normal and will be restricted to your backpack.
    • Using this new feature you can fill containers in your house with a certain type of item. Say a mix of exceptional and normal plate chests. Targeting the container with the bulk order deed for exceptional plate chests would collect as many matching items that were needed to fill the bod.

    #UORPvP Alerting
    • These alerts will be broadcast in the #UORPvP channel to encourage players to better utilize that irc channel for pvp/unmoderated discussion
    • These messages will only show in irc and will have a 5-10 minute delay (on average).
    • This will be tested and adjusted based on player feedback.
    • When a player places a bounty on another player after being murdered the following message will be broadcast.
      Example: "a bounty of {#,###}gp has been placed on {Murderers}'s head! The guards of Britannia will now pay {#,###}gp for their head."​
    • When a player turns in the head of another player with a bounty on it
      Example: "{Playername} hast brought the infamous {Murderer} to justice! Lord British has rewarded them with a bounty of {#,###}gp"​
      Example: "{Playername} hast brought the minor criminal {Murderer} to justice! Lord British has rewarded them with a paltry bounty of {#,###}gp"​
    • When a duel results in a clear winner
      Exanple: "{Winner Name} has won a {Type of Duel} by defeating {Loser Name}"​

    Website Updates - Log Overhaul

    Website Updates - New Compendium Articles
    Last edited: Nov 26, 2014
    Gozinya, AlexCCCP, Vlar and 3 others like this.
  2. Chris

    Chris Renaissance Staff
    Renaissance Staff

    May 14, 2012
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    Test Center / Live Server Combat Changes - Testing

    Starting with patch 58 we will be experimenting with a few combat changes to address long standing issues with Renaissance combat.

    The changes listed here will be applied to test center and linked to the combat log book available in the testing area. The changes also will be implemented on the live server however they will be limited to the trammel facet. This will allow us to use the Hythloth CTF area to perform testing of the new mechanics in a controlled environment.

    Should testing go well and the changes improve the balance and quality of Renaissance PvP/PvM the will be enabled on the live server. (In Patch 59)

    Dice Rolls
    Weapon damage is currently determined by applying a randomizer to the minimum and maximum damage values tied to each weapon. For a halberd this would be a minimum of 5 and a maximum of 49.

    Using dice rolls the minimum and maximum would be the same however the method you process the damage roll is different. For a halberd this would be 2 23 sided dice with 3 bonus damage.

    Min/Max System: Random(5,49) = damage roll
    Dice Based: Random(1,23) + Random(1,23) + 3 = damage roll

    These might look similar and you might think they generate similar results however if you run both calculations 10,000 times through a randomizer you will see two drastically different results.

    Image 1: Min/Max System, Image 2: Dice Based
    Halberd 1.png Halberd 2.png

    Graph 1: Min/Max System (10,000 Samples)
    Halberd 3.png
    Graph 2: Dice Based (10,000 Samples)
    Halberd 4.png

    Drastically different, however if you look at the total damage done over 10,000 combat hits using either method you come up with the following

    Min/Max System: 269,086 (Average Roll 26.9)
    Dice Based: 270,074 (Average Roll 27)

    So while the distribution of the damage rolls is drastically different the two methods will always return similar total damage over time.

    So now lets take a look at a drastically different weapon the War hammer. Unlike the Halberd the war hammer uses 7 dice.
    Min/Max System: Random(8,36)
    Dice Based: Random(1,5) + Random(1,5) + Random(1,5) + Random(1,5) +Random(1,5) + Random(1,5) +Random(1,5) + 1

    Image 1: Min/Max System, Image 2: Dice Based
    War Hammer 1.png War Hammer 2.png

    Graph 1: Min/Max System (10,000 Samples)
    War Hammer 3.png
    Graph 2: Dice Based (10,000 Samples)
    War Hammer 4.png

    Given the War Hammers multiple dice and bashing type weapon you are less likely to see a high or low hit and instead will experience a much more normalized damage result. Hits between 15 and 29 damage will be more common, while hits between 8-14, and 30-36 will be more rare.

    Armor Properties
    In order to balance out the conversion to dice rolls listed above we have to address the issues with magical/material/exceptional properties for armor.

    Currently we use the following default RunUO Logic.
    Exceptional Armor: + 8 AR
    Dull Copper: + 2 AR
    Shadow Iron: + 4 AR
    Copper: + 6 AR
    Bronze: + 8 AR
    Gold: + 10 AR
    Agapite: + 12 AR
    Verite: + 14 AR
    Valorite: + 16 AR
    Spined : + 10 AR
    Horned: + 13 AR
    Barbed: + 16 AR
    Defense: + 15 AR
    Guarding: + 20 AR
    Hardening: + 25 AR
    Fortification: + 30 AR
    Invulnerability: + 35 AR

    Exceptional crafting bonus for armor is to low.
    Magical bonuses are inflated by 10 AR
    Material bonuses are to inflated as well.​

    We have been aware for a while these were overpowered for our point in time however until we addressed some broader issues changing them would be difficult.
    The new proposed values are the following.
    Exceptional Armor: + 12 AR
    Dull Copper: + 1 AR
    Shadow Iron: + 2 AR
    Copper: + 3 AR
    Bronze: + 4 AR
    Gold: + 5 AR
    Agapite: + 6 AR
    Verite: + 7 AR
    Valorite: + 8 AR
    Spined : + 2 AR
    Horned: + 4 AR
    Barbed: + 6 AR
    Defense: + 5 AR
    Guarding: + 10 AR
    Hardening: + 15 AR
    Fortification: + 20 AR
    Invulnerability: + 25 AR

    This change would also be coupled with addressing some issues with incorrect AR values for individual pieces of armor. The AR change would most likely only affect new armor as older armor would be grandfathered.

    Renaissance Compendium:
    Renaissance Stratics Archive:

    The changes are as follows;
    Bone Armor: Unchanged (30AR)
    Chain Armor: 28AR > 23AR
    Leather Armor: Unchanged (13AR)
    Studded Leather: Unchanged (16AR)
    Ringmail: 22AR > 20AR
    Plate Armor: 40AR > 30AR​
    Last edited: Nov 18, 2014
    Lightshade likes this.
  3. Lightshade

    Lightshade Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Sep 12, 2013
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    I'd be interested in seeing how all the variations of a particular weapon played out in relation to each other.

    ie. Store Bought, GM Exceptional, Ruin, Might, Force, Power, Vanquishing and the Runic Equivalents of Weapon A....then Weapon B....and so on.

    Seeing their graphs overlaid to see how they all fall compared to one another would be some excellent numbers to ponder.
  4. Chris

    Chris Renaissance Staff
    Renaissance Staff

    May 14, 2012
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    Other than the processing stress on the website to run 10,000 calculations I can't imagine it being very hard to create a small tool to visualize this.
  5. Lightshade

    Lightshade Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Sep 12, 2013
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    Essentially what i'm getting at is taking a look at how it all plays out and then see if the damage range across all the levels could be pushed together a bit so that GM weapons would be more viable again.

    ie. Take base GM Exceptional Damage and adjust all damages closer to it. If some consideration needs to be given to dexxers damage that warrants shifting the damage more to the top end, then cross that bridge, but overall...narrow the gaps between the items.
    Last edited: Nov 15, 2014
  6. Dalavar

    Dalavar Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Aug 11, 2013
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    Considering there's 3 levels of magic weapons that are better than GM (force, power, vanquishing), and 8 levels of runic hammers that are better than GM, what is the argument for making plain GM weapons more viable? This is an honest question.
    Azerothian likes this.
  7. Liberation

    Liberation Well-Known Member

    Jun 4, 2013
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    great work, tel!

    thank you for addressing weapon damage and AR.
  8. Basoosh

    Basoosh Well-Known Member
    UO:R Donor

    Apr 3, 2013
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    Gives the casual player a better experience, is my assumption. You know the type. They join up and remember "GM WEAPON GUD" from the old days.
  9. Dalavar

    Dalavar Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Aug 11, 2013
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    Right, but those old days were T2A era, weren't they? Once runic hammers appeared, I assume iron crafted weapons were pretty archaic.

    If one were to cater to that mindset, we should also make halberd tank mages a lot better than they are here.
  10. Chris

    Chris Renaissance Staff
    Renaissance Staff

    May 14, 2012
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    Basoosh is generally correct, when applied to the relatively new player mindset. one of the first things someone will seek out starting out here is gm crafted weapons/instruments and armor.
  11. Athena

    Athena Active Member

    Aug 24, 2013
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    GM weapons were useful throughout UOR era. There was no BOD flipping back then you got one BoD every 6 hours and that was it. For that reason there were a lot less runics out there. Heck on LS the best I saw were agapites and I remember the only val hammer at the time was on eBay and not being used to make weapons lol. Most people ran with gm through vanqs for that reason.
    Valrick, Mes, Vlar and 1 other person like this.
  12. Gladiator

    Gladiator Member

    Oct 9, 2014
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    Why are we reducing the leather armor bonus in half as compared to colored ingots. Once again hurting the farmers and helping the pks! The armor bonus for horned is currently the same as valorite, but you have reduced the barbed to only 50% of the valorite in the proposed change. Hurting casters/tamers defense by 50% of the AR bonus to medable armor. If we are cutting the armor of Tamer/caster armor lets make bonded animals recall with their owners!
  13. Chris

    Chris Renaissance Staff
    Renaissance Staff

    May 14, 2012
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    The changes go hand in hand with the weapon balance changes Gladiator. While it looks like a big change, in application the difference between the server now, and the server after the changes is minimal. This is why we have taken the trouble to slowly apply these changes to allow players to experience them and realize it provides much more normalized combat experiences vs the erratic damage ranges seen currently.

    Keep in mind that we have increased the exceptional bonus by 4AR as well.
  14. Dalavar

    Dalavar Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Aug 11, 2013
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    Athena, interesting. Though there was, I dunno, 10x the population back then on a given shard, it seems like the lack of ability to flip ended up getting them in about the same spot as us (1 valorite hammer per year or so).

    Gladiator, Barbed's bonus is 75% of Valorite, not 50%. Also note that barbed applies to a less protective armor type (leather) versus valorite (metal). If you think about the material bonus in percentage terms, it makes a lot more sense.

    Exceptional Leather Suit: 25 AR
    Exceptional Barbed Suit: 31 AR (24% bonus)

    Exceptional Studded Suit: 28 AR
    Exceptional Barbed Studded: 34 AR (21% bonus)

    Exceptional Ring Suit: 32 AR
    Exceptional Valorite Ring: 40 AR (25% bonus)

    Exceptional Chain Suit: 35 AR
    Exceptional Valorite Chain: 43 AR (23% bonus)

    Exceptional Plate Suit: 42 AR
    Exceptional Valorite Plate: 50 AR (19% bonus)
  15. Gladiator

    Gladiator Member

    Oct 9, 2014
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    Chris tamers and casters rarely use weapons! So this is not logical nor valid! Think about it!
  16. Cynic

    Cynic Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Aug 15, 2013
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    Mes, Kane and Vlar like this.
  17. Gladiator

    Gladiator Member

    Oct 9, 2014
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    Metal armor is repairable and leather is not. Handicapping the leather wears or requiring them to equip a weapon which we have no skill for does not sound like a win win plan. If the plan is to make melee better on the server so be it, but no need to cloak that the results are going to be on non-melee non metal wearing casters and tamers.
  18. Gladiator

    Gladiator Member

    Oct 9, 2014
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    Dalavar you are making leather worse than metal with this change.....period. It is not a percentage issue it is makes the leather wearer weaker and the metal user stronger!
  19. Chris

    Chris Renaissance Staff
    Renaissance Staff

    May 14, 2012
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    The "plan" was to normalize combat, not make any one group experience an increase/decrease in effectiveness. By changing to dice based combat rolls vs purely range randomization armor was rendered even more overpowered than it already was. Changes were made to the material/exceptional/magical bonuses for armor to balance out this change.

    If you simply look at the numbers you are missing the whole story. Hop on test center, make two accounts, grab some armor and weapons and try it out. You will be pleasantly surprised.

    This change was not based around making magic armor less powerful, dexers more deadly, or leather armor less effective. It is to create a better experience for all our players.
    Where use of the right equipment and correct skillset can provide an advantage in combat.

    The only major change we foresee is additional value being applied to magic armor/exceptional armor as the material bonuses are now adjusted to a more normal level.
    Last edited: Nov 17, 2014
  20. CaptainMorgan

    CaptainMorgan Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Jul 14, 2014
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    Yeah, but you could get BODs for every crafter on an account. I personally had a couple accounts just full of BOD crafters. Flipping allows you to get a similar quantity if you so choose with the trade-off of a lot of effort (and resources removed from circulation) and freeing up character slots

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