[PIR] Full Moon's Turn Starts 5/1/2025 ends 5/31/2025

Discussion in 'Player Run Events' started by Ripper-draxon, Mar 1, 2025.

  1. Ripper-draxon

    Ripper-draxon Active Member
    Server Supporter

    Feb 27, 2021
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    ‍☠️ The Grand Pirate Fishing Brawl – With a Twist!
    Ahoy, ye salty dogs! The Grand Pirate Fishing Brawl be underway, lastin’ a full 31 days, with the mightiest buccaneers battlin’ fer the heaviest haul o’ fish! But beware… the sea be filled with mystery and mischief, and hidden ‘mongst the catch be Be rare Stone Fish, each carryin’ a weight ‘twixt 1 and 200 stones!

    The Brawl’s Decree!

    ⚓ Lasts a Full Moon’s Turn (31 Days)!
    ☠️ Only Weight Matters! The top three pirates with the biggest total haul claim the riches!
    There may be Mysterious Stone Fish Lurkn! Their weights be random—some light as a feather, some heavy as a ship’s anchor! Find ‘em and claim their bounty—or curse!
    ‍☠️ Treacherous Waters! Rumors say some Stone Fish be cursed, bringin’ bad luck, while others hide a fortune in gems! Will ye risk it?

    Here be the Ruel's for the Raffle Chance to win a Large Keep

    ‍☠️ 31 mighty sea beasts in 31 days!
    ☠️ The voyage begins on May 1st ‘n ends on May 31st!
    To earn yer chance at the grand booty, ye must haul in one fish per day, each marked with the proper date!
    ⚓ No matter the stone on the fish, so long as it bears the right date, it counts!
    Here be the second part of the event

    The Top Prizes
    The Siren’s Favor – The heaviest haul wins untold riches, a barrel o’ the best rum, and the title “Master of the Seas!”
    The Brineborn Reckoning – Second place gets a chest o’ silver and the right to name a cursed reef after their worst enemy!
    The Sea Serpent’s Purse – Third place still earns coin, but must cook the feast on the final night’s revelry!

    Arrr, listen up, ye scallywags! Here be the rules o’ the grand fishin’ challenge!
    But beware, me hearties! Along the way, there be hidden challenges leadin’ to secret treasures! Keep yer eyes sharp ‘n yer wits sharper, fer only the cleverest buccaneers shall claim the riches!
    Now, hoist yer rods ‘n cast away! The high seas await! ☠️‍☠️
    A Word o’ Warning!
    Legends whisper that one o’ these Stone Fish be cursed, bringin’ foul luck upon the pirate who claims it. But which one? Only the sea knows… and she don’t be givin’ up her secrets easy!
    So then, ye barnacle-bottomed rogues—be ye brave enough to enter the Brawl, or will ye let the sea’s bounty slip through yer fingers like a cowardly landlubber?! ‍☠️

    The Rules of the Brawl:
    Duration: May 1st to May 31st (31 days).
    Winning Criteria: The top three pirates with the heaviest total catch win prizes!
    Stone Fish: Some are incredibly heavy, while others are light. Some may bring great fortune, while others could be cursed!
    Unpredictable Waters: Rumors say some Stone Fish hide valuable treasures, while others bring bad luck. Do you dare take the risk?
    The Raffle Rules (For a Chance to Win a Large Keep):
    You must catch one fish per day, each marked with the correct date.
    It doesn’t matter how much the fish weighs—as long as it’s caught on the right day, it counts!
    Additional Surprises:
    There will be hidden challenges and secret treasures throughout the competition! Stay sharp, as only the cleverest pirates will find them!
    A Mysterious Curse: Rumors whisper that one of the Stone Fish is cursed, bringing terrible luck to the pirate who catches it. No one knows which one…
    So, the question is—do you have the courage to join the Brawl, or will you let the sea’s riches slip away? Hoist your fishing rods and set sail—the adventure awaits!

    large Keep raffle have to turn 31 fish in from all 31 days
    Average of 20 largest stone fish and 20 lowest stone fish amib color sextent picking orders for this are as follows top overall average second over all weight, lowest bracket is the average over 20 smallest then the second lest amount.
    5 random fish 5 amib sets
    Blackbeards Legendary Catch
    1718 stones exact in 22 fish 100 plat + amibs
    7 stone 500k
    Other hidden challenges along the way and there may be more added as always post all fish that come in
    if someone needs a boat Please contact [PIR] Cheng I Sao or Ripper-Draxion on discord and we will try to get you one as soon as we can thank you
    Last edited: Mar 10, 2025 at 5:58 PM

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