Prices: AAA - S/B: 100k B/O: 200k CCC - S/B: 100k B/O: 200k DDD - S/B: 75k B/O: 150k EEE - S/B: 250k B/O: 350k PP - S/B 25k B/O: 50k FFF - S/B: 125k B/O: 175k GGG - S/B: 100k B/O: 150k HHH - S/B: 175k B/O: 400k Sold to @BlackEye Bidding rules: 48 Hours Single Bidder 24 Hours Multiple Bidders List of Dragons: * Rarity is a calculation that prioritizes dragon stats in the following order: HITS, STR/DEX, INT. The calculation also weighs perfect stats more highly than non-perfect stats. To see the rarity calculation in it's raw form, please use the following link: Perfect dragon stats are: 825 Hits // 825 STR // 105 Dex // 475 INT. Dexterity can always be trained to 100 while using the pet as you normally would With many Zoo quests providing slots this week, you may want to consider buying a dragon now and beginning the bonding process as opposed to waiting until after you've completed the quest. This will allow you to bond the pet immediately after the quest as opposed to waiting 24 hours after receiving your dragon.