Hello thee! I'm working on dragon price formula based on their stats. I got some statistics from past trades, about 100 records, but still not sure. And also I don't know which one to bond. Will highly appreciate if you know prices, or which one you would like to bond. Dexy 815/810/105/465 Dexter 813/825/105/441 SkinnyBeast 809/823/104/474 Ixy 820/823/99/471 Good 823/825/100/464 Almost 800/823/105/460 Katenaki 823/817/102/471 GetLow 801/822/105/466 Stump 803/824/105/436
Ixy, good, and Katenaki are nice dragons. All bondable. Not sure about prices, I'd be interested in buying a dragon from you.
Nothing too good. Ixy, good, and Katenaki are bondable medium quality dragons. You usually want at least 820+hp + 820+str. Dex above 100 is a nice bonus improving it's value significantly. Int is not too important, but shouldnt be very low either.
Ixy and good seem to be the more marketable, but give me dexter any day of the week. I'm interested if he's red. Lemme know.
I save all sales transaction prices for dragons I've sold in the link in my signature. Feel free to use those data points as a reference. Good luck with your formula.
Str above 820 and hp at 815+ is good enough imo with dex above 100 being great. Int is nice imo, mana pool on dragons is a nice advantage for quicker med alone between battles. Some people will say 820+ hp and str and dex will train to 100, but imo I'd rather do 2 or 3 less hp on occasional fire breath which isn't huge imo if you have 815hp vs 825hp and give me dex at 105 to get 5% more melee attacks inbetween. To me a moderate/first bond would be 815/820/101/460 dragon, I would take a 815/823/105/450 dragon over a 825/820/100/450 dragon any day