Hi everybody, Project Sanctuary is running another taming quest. We have some slots for sale. It will be 150k to banksit, 185k to participate. Chest contents go to PS, everything else is up for grabs! Payment must be received before quest. Failure to show up results in loss of 50% of deposit. If you are found looting or killing friendlies, all guests will be forced to banksit. Please meet in channel #PS 20 minutes before the quest starts! 1. Reserved 2. Reserved 3. Reserved 4. Reserved 5. Reserved 6. Reserved 7. Rokk - Awaiting Deposit 8. a white zombie - Awaiting Deposit 9. Million - Awaiting Deposit 10. Million - Awaiting Deposit
I'll take one for sure and million (Co worker) will want one too!! We're at work for 8 hours though. Banksitting plz
Yes im in no doubt about it but i want to participate this time. Ive only banksat for all my bonded pets, so ill be a first time quest liner. 185K check already made
Nomack I can add you on the reserve list. If your on around the quest time, let me know there maybe a spot open. Or I can add you after the quest if you are still around. You just need your character near the quest area in t2a.
What a great experience that was. I really enjoyed this quest with yall. Thank you much and im looking foward to another one soon