Hi guys! Great server! Just started a few days ago. Anyway, my 3rd account seems to be broken. I used to be able to use it, but now I can't log into it, and I didn't register it with an e-mail. It says its the wrong password?? *shrug, I tried turning off Razor "remember password" as well. I tried to make another "3rd" account, but I get errors. Maybe a IP block? Is there a way that I can my broken one deleted so that I can make a new 3rd account? It will obviously be mine becuz my other 2 accounts are registered, and they have nearly the same account name, plus the account is like 3 days old.
Send a PM to @Chris here on the forums or "Telamon" on IRC. Send him the account name you made for your 3rd account and any other info that might be relevant (like character names on the account, when you created it, etc). Hopefully he'll be able to reset the PW or dig up the correct account name (in case you accidentally typo'd it when creating it).