Hey! I'm a returning player, and I can't remember the password to my account. Is there a support process for this or are returning players just encouraged to create new accounts? It'd be great to retrieve my old characters - although I'm not sure what state they were in - it's been years...
Thanks, Hadrian! I've been playing on another server for a short while. I've enjoyed it too but I want to make sure that I'm not missing out on something better! It's been such a long time since I've played on UO:R that I can't remember how it plays. I'm a big fan of Risk vs Reward so a non-Trammel universe is paramount and a friendly community that is able to enjoy the entire experience (Reds need love too).
http://uorforum.com/threads/one-guide-to-rule-them-all-one-guide-to-find-them.682/ A good place to start. *There are some event gates up to s resist party at the moment, the young status is nice, though having a couple gm warders is a considerable time save. (the resser isn't currently there 1am) - maybe back in the morning, not sure.
Ok well I have an account I can't remember the password too and I've been trying different ones i've used over the years and nothing works, any chance there is a password retreival system?