REVIEW - Pateks Million GP Macro Mining

Discussion in 'Trading Post' started by LanDarr, Mar 7, 2018.

  1. LanDarr

    LanDarr Renaissance Staff
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    Apr 19, 2013
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    The Set Up

    First thing you do is Pay for the goods :)
    Second, you will get a download link for all the files including the installation/set up PDF - it is very clear
    You have to know where profiles and macros are stored on your computer... if you don't.. probably should be running complex macros in the first place

    So I made sure I had the requisite skills outlined in the PDF..
    I decided to just set one miner up for now as a test. It is also the only one with Tinkering. Small mods may need to be done if you do not have tinkering


    Grabbed some regs, and ingots to make shoves, and some tinkering tools

    Cleaned out my bank as recommended and setup the bags and runebooks

    Took all my junk to the house and loaded up the correct profile for my toon

    Following the instructions, I went to the bank and start up the Make Shovels portion... After 35, its supposed to kick off the recall mining

    Note the silver bag that was in my bank but now in my pack... part of the set up when you buy is to send Patek a recording of you lifting something in and out of your bank...
    *** not my packys, they were just there

    Setup complete and it took off recall mining..... To be continued...
    Last edited: Mar 7, 2018
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  2. LanDarr

    LanDarr Renaissance Staff
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    Apr 19, 2013
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    The Mining

    So you automatically load up with 20 each recall reg and 5 shovels the first time you head out... They don't restock until the regs hit less than 10 and shovels less than 4

    I should be ready for a restock if my calculations are correct. - and they were


    There is a weight check when mining so the lighter you are when you head out, the more ore you can hold.. that one extra large ore is 2 ingots, 2 ingots per trip, 16 trips in a book, 4 books - means and extra 128 ingots, if its Iron, that's 1024 gold @ 8gp per ingot, if its colored, its 2560 gold @20gp per colored. Those are conservative estimates

    When you arrive on location the first words our of your mouth is guards... you repeat this a couple times as you mine

    I purposely did not take screen shots of certain locations... So far there have been some interesting in guard zone locations I have been hitting... atleast one I never thought of before seeing it...

    Next up PERFORMANCE...
    Last edited: Mar 7, 2018
  3. LanDarr

    LanDarr Renaissance Staff
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    Apr 19, 2013
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    There is a weight check at 365 stone.. so the lighter you start out the better

    Each location can hit 2 nodes - note the Gold and Shadow Ore - that tells you that you are hitting 2 different nodes

    You are in guard zones, so you say guards often... should offer some shenanigan protection..

    So far the banks I have been recalling to are not the overly popular ones, some have folks there, but the spots are not blocked, so I cant yet tell if blocked location protection works... will put a toon of mine blocking to see...

    Currently running for a certain amount of time... have not seen another miner out... none of the spots I have attempted to recall TO have been blocked... again I will park a toon of mine to test if I don't run into any

    Good distribution of colored ore to iron

    After running approx. 1 hour and counting large ore only:
    Valorite: 7
    Verite: 10
    Agapite: 5
    Gold: 13
    Bronze: 15
    Copper: 20
    Shadow: 21
    Dull Copper: 53
    Iron: 507

    After smelt

    293 colored ingots @20/ = 5,860
    1149 Iron @8/ = 9,192

    Total ingot value = 15,052

    Actual bag weight is 8794. With 31 items... 9 ore types with 4 styles of ore = 36... I got every ore type, just missed a couple of versions of it
    Last edited: Mar 7, 2018
  4. LanDarr

    LanDarr Renaissance Staff
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    Apr 19, 2013
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    Some Initial Findings

    So from the VERY first hour of running a couple things to note

    1. I "made" 15k gold in ingots with just one miner
    2. If I had 3 running, that's 45k an hour
    3. This is a very smooth running set of macros
    4. They are SLOWER than my own, but mine hang a bit and need more minding
    5. If you find yourself hitting a bunch of "No Metal" spots, you can jump ahead spots if you know how to read the macros
    6. Patek had been great to work with so far. Patient, willing to listen and troubleshoot....
    Last edited: Mar 7, 2018
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  5. LanDarr

    LanDarr Renaissance Staff
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    Apr 19, 2013
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    Old vs New

    So today's ad hoc test is to run Patek and my personally written mining macros side by side.

    Mine have been posted in the Guides forums for years. Far longer than anyone elses. Not gonna get into an ePeen debate about it. But back when I was big time macro mining, others were too and the macros used were closely guarded secrets. Not mine, I posted.

    With that disclaimer here we go.

    Mine works for me.

    I use sturdy pickaxes and prospector tools

    Sturdy Pickaxes cause I have a ton and no tinkering on this toon. It also cuts down on weird hangs when the tool breaks.
    Prospector tools ONLY upgrade the node by one... no elementals spawn from using it, so no stone or marble etc

    I expect with my own macro I will be able to outmine Patek for two reasons
    1. Its spots are out in the wild, no recall delays
    2. Its faster because its not perfected - certain events will cause it to hang... saves, tools breaking, blocked spots etc
    I expect Patek's COULD outmine mine for one simple reason

    It is almost fire and forget. The safe pauses, the automation, the blocked spot handling all contribute to less human intervention.
    If I am not on the spot fixing, correcting and restarting mine, it will hang and if its hung its not mining. Running 3 toons with my macro will produce ingots, but its a full time job... no Netflix !
    Last edited: Mar 8, 2018
  6. LanDarr

    LanDarr Renaissance Staff
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    Apr 19, 2013
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    So I ran ours side by side and my observations are annectdotal and what I learned by dissecting his code. I will not post my analysis of his code and what each macro does and how it handles things, that's his IP, but I understand it now and can appreciate it for both its simplicity and elegance

    PROS (mine)
    Mine produces more ore
    I wrote it, very proud
    Gets the Job done
    Easily adaptable to new spots - I have runebook selection in one macro, and spot selection in another. to change which book I use, I just retarget a single double click

    CONS (mine)
    Takes a lot of work to watch and mess with
    can get hung for no reason
    Uses relative location for mining targets - can be wonky
    No guard protection, all in the wild
    Mine gets GUMPED - A LOT, to the point that my paranoia says Telamon is watching me specifically

    PROS (Patek)
    All guard zone spots... VERY SAFE
    Well written and parsed - he used some of the same concepts I did, but added more to make it smooth
    Well written guide for you to install it
    Great customer support
    Only gumped 2x in 2 days of running it... RNG at work?

    CONS (Patek)
    Patek's has 56 static spots per miner - has the potential to get empty spots the more that use it
    There are ALOT of files
    Current version requires Tinkering - I only have tinkering on one character

    Ideal Situation
    Now that I have read and understand the basics of his macros, I am going to blatantly steal them and mod them for my "special" recall runebooks. It is fairly straightforward process to mod them for new books once you understand them, but it takes time and patience and attention to detail.

    I believe that the return on the investment is worth it. It was no easy task to create these let alone maintenance and upgrades he is doing. The numbers bear out that in under 100 hours on a single miner (faster if you use more than one), you can mine enough ingots to pay for the macro set. Small caveat for the sticklers out there that's a conservative number with the reasonable assumption that it means actual mining, not taking into account empty nodes. After that, its money in the bank. This macro set is a thing of beauty. It contains tricks and concepts that you can adapt for your own use in other macros.

    This is the end of the review, I will gladly answer what questions you have as long as they are serious and I feel they do not violate Patek's IP.
    Last edited: Mar 8, 2018
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  7. LanDarr

    LanDarr Renaissance Staff
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    Apr 19, 2013
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    Recommendations List - Just a running list I think of and suggestions from others

    1. Add in a check for No Metal here to mine... shorten time on site when its a low yield spot, or someone just got here before you
      1. So I am noticing there is a No Metal check after 7 swings... however the miner will still follow the same route of spots, burned through7 spots of "no metal" in a row so far... doesn't randomize to get off the empty path
    2. Add in a Prospector Tool option... this will always maximize your colors harvested
    3. Non Tinker Version ** instead of crafting macro, Macro withdraws gold, recalls to tinker shops, buys shovels using buy agent, returns to bank and organizes shovels into the silver bag **
    4. Long shot but: - A version where all I do is enter the ids of my personal runebook set...
    Last edited: Mar 9, 2018
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  8. LanDarr

    LanDarr Renaissance Staff
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    Apr 19, 2013
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    Patience Folks as I am posting this as I actually do it
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  9. Mr. Green

    Mr. Green Well-Known Member

    Jun 4, 2017
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    Wrong thread forum...
    Last edited: Mar 8, 2018
  10. Patek

    Patek Active Member
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    Mar 29, 2017
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    Cheers for the review :D

    1. Sys-message i believe is blocked, but i've got another system that will work just as fast that will be added in V1.1
    2. Will work on adding these in. I've never actually used one, but adding it is simple (will be able to select prospector tools instead of standard shovels by holding a simple colored potion).
    3. I've had one PMM kit customized to include this already, so i'll simply add it to other packs as an option. There's a quick modification that can also be done right now if people are keen, if they shoot me a PM on here or IRC i'll send instructions.

    V1.1 coming out in a week or so will include:
    - Above three changes
    - Efficiency tweaks.
    - Full guide on how the PMM was constructed, why it does certain things, the back-ground excel sheets, randomiser figures etc.
    - Full step-by-step guide to adding new ore veins (includes UOAM guide, excel spreadsheets etc.).
    - Full set up templated macros ready for new veins. These will include reduced waits on mining start (as they're out of town) and a 'selector switch' where the extra veins can be 'turned on' by holding a colored potion rather than having to change PMM folders in the Razor. Means you can basically select 'guard zone' or 'out of guard zone' easily.
    - Built in 'danger recall' feature that will allow the user to initial a 'danger recall' if a mob is present on an out-of-town vein. This will keep the users spot in the macro and recall away within 2 seconds rather than a standard 'recall away' macro that would require PMM restart.

    Also looking at crafting some 'add-on' packs that will be additional pre-made runebooks with certain ores or certain mountains that will 'click' into the PMM. Each will use a separate colored potion or similar 'selector' to turn them on and off.

    PRB will also be getting updates soon:
    - North Brit mage store optimised
    - Moonglow north store optimised
    - UOR item IDs for blank scrolls updated as they're a bit tweaky atm

    Will also be looking at building an 'add-on' pack for the PRB that will include every carpentry store and library for buying blank scrolls.

    Cheers :)

    - Patek
    Killian likes this.
  11. DaTamer

    DaTamer Active Member

    Jul 25, 2013
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    Good deal.
    And yes, the "no metal" has been disabled.
    Seems like its the same type of macro that @Pirul has.
    I made slight changes to Piruls after the message was disabled and thus far it works fine.

    15k an hour minus 2k for regs (give or take) is still 13k an hour, safely, and all you have to do is watch the screen for gumps...

    Based on @LanDarr review, I can say that it sounds like it is worth the 1 million gold price.

    Once you hit about 80 hours of mining, you have covered the cost of the macro. (that's if you use 1 miner)
    So... if you run 3... a little over a 27 hours and you have covered it.

    I want to say this is worth the purchase for anyone looking to run 3 miners at once.
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  12. DaTamer

    DaTamer Active Member

    Jul 25, 2013
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    Pirul's macro has If Health < 89 , cast recall, target bank rune, stop macro, end if

    Now... this does 2 things.
    #1 gets you safe
    #2 sits you at a bank so you can notice something is wrong
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  13. Patek

    Patek Active Member
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    Mar 29, 2017
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    I've actually got earlier versions of the PMM that integrated this feature (was pulled from final PMM for speed as it was all in guard zone). For the out-of-town veins ill work on adding this in plus the manual method too :).

    RE what LanDarr said about the speed. Next version of PMM has efficiency updates that will speed things up further. In order to maintain the 'one click' reliability its a balancing act of diminishing returns, but i've worked out some time to shave off here and there that'll be part of the update (we're talking tweaking macros by 0.1 second in some places kind of thing).

    Cheers all for the feedback, reviews and comments - really good to hear it all and looking forward to updating things further!

    DaTamer likes this.
  14. FreeHugger

    FreeHugger Well-Known Member

    Jun 3, 2017
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    Would you ever do one that mines outside of guard zones?
  15. Patek

    Patek Active Member
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    Mar 29, 2017
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    Thats all in V1.1 (writing it as we speak). Will have full instructions for adding your own ore veins out of town, macro templates, excel sheets, UOAM walkthroughs etc.

    Am also looking at doing add-on packs that will add either runebooks of particular colours or runebooks for specific mountains etc. They will be selectable in-macro without having to modify/swap macro files.


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  16. FreeHugger

    FreeHugger Well-Known Member

    Jun 3, 2017
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    Lemme know when she’s up and running and I’ll probably buy in. Let’s get these ingot prices down to normal!
    One and Creager like this.
  17. Creager

    Creager Well-Known Member
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    Dec 26, 2016
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    It's worth it man. My report isn't as detailed as my buddy Peace, but I've already paid for this macro running 3 toons since I purchased it. He's great working with and is quick to help. Undervalued macro imo, but I know jack about razor macros so he's a dream come true haha
  18. FreeHugger

    FreeHugger Well-Known Member

    Jun 3, 2017
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    Yea but with you guys all running it, I’ll wait to get the out of town one
    Creager likes this.
  19. DaTamer

    DaTamer Active Member

    Jul 25, 2013
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    Put some finishing touches on Pirul's mining macro
    See a little room for improvement.
    But... after 59 minutes 42 seconds (stopped it before it recalled out again)

    1236 Iron Ingots (8gp each): 9888
    301 Colored Ingots (20gp each): 6020
    Grand Total: 15,908gp per hour

    burned through 49 recalls
    Zero Gumps for AFK Mining

    So... @Patek you are solid!
  20. wylwrk

    wylwrk Well-Known Member

    Jun 18, 2015
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    and if two people are running it?
    Fenris Corp and Poogoblin like this.

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