RRG Solidifies Mining Tax Agreement with North Brit Mining Company (NBC)

Discussion in 'The Salty Dog Tavern' started by SteelyDan, Sep 24, 2015.

  1. SteelyDan

    SteelyDan Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Oct 1, 2014
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    It is with our pleasure to announce to the public that the RRG (owners of all mines in the lands of Sosaria) struck a deal with the North Britain Mining Company for use of Mine #5 also known referred to as North Britain Mine.

    The leaders of the RRG and the Head Digger of the NBC , a tunnel rate, met at the Robbers Roost Headquarters and discussed terms for the use of Mine #5. A fair contract has been written that is beneficial to both parties.


    NBC Agrees to pay mine owner (RRG) $50,000 gold pieces per month for use of Mine #5. Payable weekly or Lump Sum in advanced on the Monday of the 4th Week of every month.
    NBC owns 100% of all Ore Harvested from Mine #5.
    All Employees/Members of the NBC showing their patch marked "NBC" will be able to use Mine #5. Failure to display their patch "unless a individual RRG mining permit has issued" will be executed with no questions asked.
    RRG agrees to sell EarthShatter & Elemental Ban weapons at a discount to the NBC.
    RRG will monitor the amount of NBC members and will discuss a possible increase or decrease in the monthly taxes for use of Mine #5.
    NBC members only have permits for Mine #5. If a NBC miner is seen in another mine they will be questioned and taxed for use of the other mine.

    This agreement is solely for the use of Mine #5.

    The RRG wish the newly formed Mining Company good luck with all their extraction of ore.

    Steely Dan of the RRG Tax Collection Agency - Mining Division
    Daros, LanDarr and Nymeros like this.

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