Rumor... I Guess..

Discussion in 'The Salty Dog Tavern' started by Oni Neaufire, Aug 9, 2015.

  1. Oni Neaufire

    Oni Neaufire Well-Known Member

    Mar 15, 2014
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    I rose early to spend some time with my thoughts an enjoy the quiet solitude.
    The Greater Light was still shadowed by the night sky.​

    I sat in my favorite chair in the library and began to consider my day.

    Oni Neaufire_8-9_05.34.jpg

    There is always much to do in the Realm, and one must take careful stock of the choices one is presented.
    There are always the many things needing repair or adjustment, undesirables to remove from the outlying areas of the Eternal Realm.
    And sometimes their removal from the very lands we own.
    And for a woman.. SHOPPING.
    Vigilance must be kept.

    But once again the name came to my thoughts, interrupting my planning, Vlar.
    Just why has he not sent me some message?

    I mean.. surely a man o' such honor and power would find a way to let me know how he is or at least where he is.
    But yet these many days and still nothing.
    Nothing tangent or concrete - only rumor.
    I guess he may not be the one I thought him to be.

    All the time spent and now nothingness so it seems.
    Men are such unreliable beings sometimes.
    The one constant is that of their inconsistency.
    It is disguised as a 'man's thing' and you would not understand.

    Right! I do not understand.
    I do not understand the silence, the disregard to let one who calls you friend stay in complete darkness.

    Fury started to rise within me.
    My thoughts turned dark and hideous.
    The woman scorned thing..ignored.
    My fingertips began to crackle as my mind began to conjure what I would do ere we should ever come face-to-face again.

    Then I slowly began remembering the crazy ways and things he would do to make me laugh and a soft smile replaced the fury.

    "Oni, perhaps you should remember his frame and that we above all else do have times of disregard and dissolution.
    We forget to draw upon those things which could help us and go our own way."

    I quickly turned around to 'see' the voice, but no one stood there.
    It was my conscience speaking out.

    "Okay, I will continue to believe to trust in this thing called friendship."

    "But couldn't I just.. just one little .. you know.. a 'spell of correction'.

    My fingertips glowed with anticipation.​
    Basoosh, Vlar, Elma and 6 others like this.
  2. Vlar

    Vlar Well-Known Member

    Mar 8, 2013
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  3. Vlar

    Vlar Well-Known Member

    Mar 8, 2013
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  4. Oni Neaufire

    Oni Neaufire Well-Known Member

    Mar 15, 2014
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    FURGIV'N, Seventy times Seven.

    Thanks for coming back to us, My Good Friend.
    Vlar, Xander the Scribe and Elma like this.

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