Ho Ho Ho!!! Update Saturday 12/25, 6pm Eastern: Secret Santa is roaming the lands this evening giving gifts All but 2 of the gifts have been delivered (from the gift exchange) Please PM Zyler or Jupiter for your gift bag Secret Santa is very pleased with 100% participation!!! (2 players were replaced by late signups-ty) --------------------------- Signups are closed. I will be contacting participants later this afternoon/this evening with their gift partner. 50 players are participating and have been matched. Please learn about who you are giving a secret gift to my researching the forums and website. DO NOT CONTACT THEM. If you don't find much info about your partner from their posts/paperdoll, do the best you can in making a gift bag. Participants are not partnered. For example, if Avery is assigned to give Jupiter a gift... Jupiter is not paired with Avery to give her a gift. Jupiter is assigned to someone else. No gift is too big or too small. Please don't turn in a gift bag of useless items. Give what you can afford. I don't expect a new player to provide a uber rare or a rich vet to gift a staff of ruin. If you have an issue with your giftee, please overlook any past grievances. Tis the season of giving and forgiveness. Write an anonymous note using an ingame book and place it in the gift bag. Include who the gift is for. Once, your gift bag is ready - please contact Zyler or Jupiter in IRC to return. We both will have VoP guild tags ingame. http://www.uorenaissance.com/player/117223 & http://www.uorenaissance.com/player/876112 Please return your gift bag no later Wednesday, December 14th. Please contact me if you have any questions. Participants who do not turn in a gift bag will be removed from Secret Santa's list. Secret Santa and his helpers will contact the North Pole workshop and make the appropriate arrangements. If you participate, you will receive a gift bag. Season's Greetings! Secret Santa is a secret gift giving event for and between players. Sign up in this thread by December 7th to participate. Please provide the character name that you wish to receive a gift and your IRC name (PM me if you want your IRC handle to remain anonymous). Once signups are closed, each participant will be randomly assigned another player to give an anonymous bag of gifts to. Learn about the character you are giving to by searching the forums and website. Knowing what one likes and prefers will make the secret gift that much better. Also, write an anonymous note (using a book) if so inclined. Notes are nice. Gift delivery will around December 17th, if not sooner. If you are away for the Holidays, your gift bag will be waiting and delivered upon your return. Please get your gift bag together as soon as possible and return to me, the Secret Santa 2016.
I'm in! However I feel like vet players with all the gear outnumber newer players, so as long as you're cool with getting something not very exciting. Sorry in advance to whoever gets paired up with me. edit: char and IRC name same as this.
Fantastic Doctor Dolittle (the one in P'S guild) http://www.uorenaissance.com/player/26418 DoctorSatan - Irc
Sure make it easy character name and irc diran only one on the shard lol but here is my link http://www.uorenaissance.com/player/323381
Jupiter is in! White elephant style! *starts digging through his chests for a Balron toe nail* @Vandalin, dont worry about not being able to give some pixel that is worth millions of fake golds The gifts I've held on to are the ones that had thought put into them, not funds. If you have a good thought but need help with a bit of funding just complete a quest in the name of Paws and our finance department will send you a payment. If the quest vendors are sold out, just complete a valor filled quest and post it in the salty dog forum. cheeeers!
As I recall Guys..our first one..i thought about the person i was giving to. what they were like in irc and their toon. the gift i had picked out was just for that person and it was special......i dont make great money here...im still learning the game after 4 years of playing.but i get by. the gift i recieved was also thoughtful of ...a just for me gift and it was perfect.......i still have it.