Everything is blessed unless specifically stated its not. Everything that is anni and marked with year will be stated as (marked). Plat accepted at 10k per 24/48hr auction timers A: 4th anni Pink Kilt (marked0 Robe (marked) SB 1.2m BO 2.5m Bids 50k per B: 1st anni Robe (marked) SB 2.3m BO 4m Bids 50 per C: 3rd anni teal outfit Tunic, apron, sash, boots, doublet (marked) Kilt is not marked Doublet is NOT blessed SB 900K BO 1.7M 50K per bid D: 4th anni yellow + 6 extra cloth Kilt (marked) SB 400K BO 900k E:3rd anni purple Boots (marked) Apron (marked) SB 600k BO 1.1 50K per F:Not pictured 2nd anni blaze shoes 200k
that wasnt a SB that price was straight buy, IRC Sterling and ill get with you to deliver your new kicks tomorrow evening sometime.
Sorry Ron for the confusion I caused with my bid, I hadn't realized that F was the only one priced at a BO. I actually won the shoes already.
Ron, I am busy at work, but I am pretty sure I have a pair of blaze shoes. I will look you up on irc when I am free to negotiate. might be a few hours.
@Air has been contacted, I'm closing the auction on the rest due to lack of interest. If you see something you may like feel free to IRC me and maybe we can work something out.