Selling all items as BO prices only. First to post get the item. Anything with multiples will have a number in ( ) to say how many are available and left to buy. Hcoins 4k Plat 8k 1) Runic Heavy Crossbow (6) (agapite hue, verite stats, not ID'd) - 200k 2) Runic Bow (5) (agapite hue, verite stats, not ID'd) - 200k 3) Valentines Candle (1) (short, fat, red) - 200k 4) Valentines Candle (1) (tall, skinny, red) - 200k 5) Valentines Candle (1) (small, pink) - 200k 6) Cupid's Whip (1) (hue 221) - 500k 7) Hanging Shield Deeds (30) - 20k 8) Vday Roses (12) (11) - 7k 9) Copper Liberty Bell (1) - 75k
Rose Sold. Prices reduced on Bows/Xbows to 200k Prices reduced on Candles to 200k Whip reduced to 500k