I recall the barrels and chests outside of Skara in the 4 ranger huts spawning occasional loot. This includes but is not limited to a semi-rare whip, along with assorted vendor quality leather and studded leather armor pieces. I've played so many different shards I can't remember exactly what was where or the frequency. I'd estimate hourly as I often looted the same places multiple times in a day.
I also remember those barrels, having loot. I think the chests did also, but needed lock-picking skills to access those. Barrel loot, gave my new characters a way to gain some armor and also loot to sell. LOL my system was to run to Skara cotton field, harvest cotton run back to huts and loot barrels before taking the ferry back to town. Although I realize would give staff more "item count" to deal with, I wouldn't mind seeing the barrel loot back in game. Westra