Embarking as the moon smiled at me with a crisp wink of despair, and the new moon shone upon the bow. Black but lit, a silhouette square. My feet quickened to lick the salt of the water. Forward stern was they lay regardless of their manner. Upon anchor I retrieved my companion of note and worthy, one of legs a sturdy nature and gill above all that I’ve ever met. His hat was crusty from the sun, worn like leather on an overrode horse.
The elixir of forbidden truth whaled over me in ponders of consideration. A new dawn of dew frightened my face as I steeped my eyes into the sill waters. Fate has it a swirl of opportunity arose.
As the mist clouded my eyes rather than the skies, I considered our journey on the seas continued towards that one trawl destination found in the pewit bottle. Transversed from the sky befell a rock like scar that carved a path to destiny.