Up for snatching, a large tower with access to mining nodes, and two small stone towers next to it, all in bridge distance from each other. Additionally, there is a sandstone with porch in front (could be replaced with similar house with small footprint). Located in the very upscale Snake's Pass, north of Britain, where all the REAL players want to live. SB: 2 mils (24/48hr auction format) (no crusty plat or hcoin please) (ur mom) . .
I am not sure what the # of nodes are and what they contain, but I was able to hit two iron nodes from the roof without any ladder/platform. Two ways of knowing for absolute certain: try it out on Test Server or PM/DM me in Discord and I can friend you to tower for you to test whatever you want. Not being lazy as much as never built one of those fancy hovering platforms + too lazy to try and figure it out.