Dull Copper Anvil S/B Shad 10 K Shadow Anvil S/B Shad 10 K Bronze Anvil S/B Shad 10 K Fishing net 1 Ron Jeremy 31 K Fishing net 2 Ron Jeremy 41 K Fishing net 3 Duke Cannon 140 K Fishing net 4 Ron Jeremy 46 K Fishing net 5 Ron Jeremy 46 K Fishing net 6 Trojancow 200 K Fishing net Iago 90 K Fishing net 8 Ron Jeremy 27 K Bag 1, 30 full ID wands 5250 Charges Semaj 25 K Bag 2, 26 full Greater Heal wands 130 Charges Balian 220 K Bag 3, 27 full Lightning wands 540 Charges Pill 50 K Bag 4, 28 full Mana wands 840 Charges Balian 80 K Bag 5, 4000 Bolts of cloth, 200,000 pieces of cloth. Althorn 300 K Bag 6, 40 Leather dye tub charges Shad 10 K
With my wife being as sick as she is everything on this auction is to be determined I'll post some info later to give a heads up
Thanks FreeHugger I have her back from the hospital at least so things are O.K. for the moment. Hopefully she won't need to go back to the hospital for a few weeks that would rock.