Sorry.. Boys...

Discussion in 'The Salty Dog Tavern' started by Oni Neaufire, Apr 30, 2016.

  1. Oni Neaufire

    Oni Neaufire Well-Known Member

    Mar 15, 2014
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    The day dawned rainy and dreary.
    Typical weather for this realm we reside.
    Still.. twas morning and to be up and about was grand.

    I stepped out of my home and made for the Tower.
    Eager to exorcise the stiffness of the damp weather from my body,
    I hurriedly made for the entrance.
    I was interested to see if any work needed to be done.
    Exercise would be beneficial for warming up in the cold greyness.

    The 'Tax list' was prominently displayed on the massive marble posts of the Tower.

    Delinquent: The northern ogres
    Trolls of the Painted caves
    Orcs of the Lands Lost

    Enforcers needed TODAY!​

    "Hmm, just exactly what I need," I mused to myself.
    "This should do the trick to get the ol' blood pumpin'."

    I stepped inside to see who else had showed up for active duty.
    The big doors closed behind me, clanging as they shut.
    No one was about.

    "Too early I guess," I thought to myself.
    "No use waiting for anyone.
    The ogres are not that tough that I cannot handle them myself."

    In moments, I was off.
    Air travel in this realm is so great.
    Literally, in the blink of an eye, I stepped out into the small town of Delucia.

    The little outpost was quiet as I rode along the winding path that led to the 'town center'.
    I made two stops.
    The first was at the little huts that serve as mage shops.
    I replenished my stock of magical goods.

    My second stop was to the bank to stow a few items that were weighing me down.
    When taking a trip to the frozen north, one needs to travel light.
    Undo baggage can be a detriment.
    Usually, being light-of-foot is essential in maintaining your health.

    Having emptied my pack of all unnecessary baggage,
    I called on Ultima Air.

    The cold north wind bit at my face like a dagger.
    I hid behind a outcropping of rocks and began to look for signs of the ogres.

    No to be disappointed, there were several nearby.
    I focused in on one and let him begin to pound on one of the weapons a mage has up her sleeve:
    The nasty little blade spirit.

    Ogres hit hard and will need to be infested with more than one of the little red swirls.
    I can say from first hand that they can hit really hard.

    Minutes later, the ogre succumbed to his wounds and fell silently into the snow.
    One by one, more and more of the ogres fell to the weapon up my sleeve.
    Several of the ogres lay in the snow now.

    "That should teach them to be more timely with their taxes," I chuckled to myself as I collected their 'delinquencies'.

    My pack was now full. ( Remember I cautioned that one who travels here should go lightly packed.)
    Those ogres carry considerable amounts of gold and many carry enhanced armor and weapons.

    "Athelwyn will have fun evaluating the effectiveness of these fine weapons and armor," I concluded.

    "Sorry.. boys.. I had to take your stuff this way."
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    The words fell on empty ears.
    No one was around to hear my 'apology'.

    Air Ultima was summoned, and the warmth of the little outpost of Delucia was once again mine.

    "Quite a stimulating and thrilling morning so far," I spoke to the 'eternal guard' of Delucia.
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    Ophelia has been here every time I have visited.
    She just smiled and continued here rounds.

    "What a faithful guard," I thought.

    Having accomplished the 'taxing' of the ogres, I made for the orc camp just outside the city gates.
    It still amazes me that the orcs of this region do not attempt to raze Delucia.
    And then I remembered the stalwart and faithful. and yes for I have witnessed her power, well not first hand..
    The guard Ophelia. She does carry quite a punch with that menacing and long Halberd.
    I would warrant many times she has thought or said, " Sorry.. Boys .." as she swatted another miscreant offender.

    Chuckling to myself as I reminisced of the times I saw here in action, I rode out the gate.
    For some reason, I always get a heightened sense of awareness, when I leave a city's gate,
    And today was no different.

    Keeping a sharp eye out for wandering orcs, I headed down the road away from town.
    Not too far along, I encountered more Delinquents.
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    "Sorry.. boys...," I murmured as I rode on past Colton, a wandering healer of the Lost region
    He could do nothing for them except help me collect the taxes they had not paid.
    I offered to give him some of the gold in exchange for his help but he refused.

    "My Dear Lady, I have no need of such things," he spoke courteously.
    "Thank thee nonetheless."

    Were that all men like this kind soul.

    "Two down and one to go," I concluded as I headed back for Delucia, the passage to and through the Lands Lost and home.

    So far the taxing was going well.
    The Delinquents almost seemed eager to pay.

    Once again, I was standing in front of the tower, the marble columns in view.
    Elma was there.

    "Where you been, Oni?'
    "Oh! Was out collecting 'taxes'.
    "The ogres and the orcs so far. Want to go help with the Trolls?"
    "Sure, let's go."

    We rode south out of the realm and continued on to the Painted Caves.
    The entrance is so pleasant looking with a beautiful backdrop.
    But, once inside.
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    A picture is worth a thousand or two words.

    The Trolls, every one, payed his tax.
    Even the Cave Troll that led them.

    "Sorry.. Boys.." Elma exclaimed as the words for the portal home echoed from my lips in the caverns.

    I chuckled at the choice of her words.
    Those very same had escaped mine also this day.
    It had been a sorry day for the boys.

    Ah! Yes! One more incident brings to mind a picture is worth a thousand or two words.

    And two of those words come to mind...
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    Sorry.. girls..
    You missed me..;):D:)
    I always travel light..
    One, Elma, Xander the Scribe and 3 others like this.
  2. Traviesty

    Traviesty New Member

    Feb 17, 2013
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    Good Story Oni!
    Xander the Scribe likes this.

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