When you create a new character you are unable to move the starting gold in your pack which prevents you from placing it in your bank or using it to buy skills.
This was done on purpose to prevent people from farming new characters... The staff is currently working on a new system to replace this.
There will be a menu added to allow you to train skills with the new player gold when you say vendor train. There is also no need to bank the gold as it is tied to your character until you spend it. We wanted to allow our players enough gold to buy a horse, and some supplies, but could not allow players to farm new characters for gold. (The old amount was 100 per character)
Even if someone farmed their characters for gold, that's 15k a week , that's pretty sad if someone went threw that much trouble to do each week and have to wait another week to do it again considering you could start a character with 50 fletching & LJ and make 5x that in a day. 52 weeks in a year so that's 780k in the whole year farming characters, you can make that selling items from a single holiday week event or spend a few days making a bard or week making a tamer and farm for a couple weeks. I doubt anyone would consider farming characters for such a low pay off but if they where that dumb then they wouldn't be effecting the economy at all just wasting their time on the server.
Ironically it is a larger problem than you might imagine, and there is actually software that will perform this automatically. Hatecrime is right, if players see a benefit at all in using a proxy to create additional accounts the obvious problem is the gold farming. However the much more serious problem is the same people who would proxy and create accounts will make 5 characters, take the gold, and never use the account again. Over an extended period of time this can create serious overhead for the server if not handled correctly. Years down the road this can be an issue for a servers health and memory requirements. As Renaissance is a donation/donation shop free shard we want to make sure that our hosting costs are stable over time.
I knew people could proxy I just thought no one would be dumb enough to do it for farming 1k off characters. Anyways tys Chris for the response.