Not really sure if I need to elaborate. We get faction-colored horses, why not llamas? Ostards a candidate as well I suppose. I would think it wouldn't be too difficult but what do I know.
I agree that this should be an option for the server, including ostards. Mutombo had this notion back in Beta I think it was, or shortly thereafter. The hues can look pretty ghastly so we would have to be real careful to not look like a bunch of fruitcakes (well more than I already do) riding around on these things. The downer of the llamas is their natural multi-hue state, but as said, I agree. Faction llamas and ostards for the good of the people!!!
I sincerely hope that this is the last thing that gets done pertaining to factions. Before this happens, I would like to see: TB's base fixed. Faction trap removal by CL enabled. Faction trap maximum removed. Ability to faction-bless leather items/armor. Platinum rewarded for sigil captures. Stat-loss re-introduced.
I also agree it should be low priority, but honestly the implementation is probably quite basic (guessing). Lib if you have another thread where you voice your concerns about factions more completely, please share the link.
Blaise: i submitted these changes to Chris weeks ago and refused to post them here for the single explicit fact that i did not want to hear your opinion about them. enjoy ranting to yourself.
As it stands, the warhorses look rather badass with an imposing stature and deep hues to match the faction colors. When applied to a forest ostard, these colors do little to make the animal look tough. For the llama it's even worse--the two-tone coloring doesn't take a hue very well and someone riding on a llama sits much lower than a horse. What could work, however, is the frenzied ostard (if it's stats/skills were toned down to match a warhorse). Here's the existing hues: ... ostard.php
WHATEVER YOU DON'T EVEN FACTION WTF DO YOU CARE ZOMGTROLLLLLOLOLOLOL. Well put Upgrayedd. I also feel it's gonna be hard to make the llamas look right, but honestly, no one riding a llama is going for a 'tough' look anyway.....I don't think. As long as the hues were subtle enough to not look like some Trammie neon madness, there should be room for appeasing all mount types. I like the Frenzied idea but none of them are really purple