Targeting Status Bars

Discussion in 'Bug Reports' started by Baine, Nov 6, 2013.

  1. Baine

    Baine Well-Known Member

    Sep 9, 2013
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    I apologize if this has already been addressed but I didn't have time to read through the mass amounts of posts :/

    Recently I've been having issues when targeting monsters' status bars when attempting to peace them. The initial peace usually works but once the monster is engaged in combat with my pet or I, it gives me one of the following error messages:
    "Target cannot be seen"
    "You can't peace that!"
    (or something to that effect)

    I've tried targeting different areas on the status bar like the HP bar, the monster's name, the "H" to the left of the HP bar, and the edge of the status bar but all areas produce this same error. Normally I wouldn't fuss about this but I recently GM'd taming and have been using dragons, which block the view of the monster on the ground making it almost impossible to target. Thanks for your time and attention on this issue!
  2. Godric Greycliff

    Godric Greycliff Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Oct 22, 2012
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    I'm not so sure I understand your actual problem but maybe try ctrl+shift if you aren't already.
  3. Baine

    Baine Well-Known Member

    Sep 9, 2013
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    I usually pull a monster's status bar (left click and drag) when I'm fighting them so I can use spells or skills on them easily. This does not seem to work with peacemaking except for the initial peace attempt. All subsequent attempts result in the aforementioned error messages when I target (use skill and left click with mouse cursor) the status bar. It only allows me to target the monster itself. I've tried the Ctrl+Shift method for targeting as well but it's just about as difficult as attempting to target the monster's body, when I have two dragons swarming it.
    I hope that cleared things up. (Because I have no other way of describing it lol.)
  4. Pirul

    Pirul Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    May 16, 2013
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    I have two theories as to why this might be happening:

    (1) Do you have queue last target and target self, or any sort of target queueing active in razor? If so, turn it off.
    (2) This sometimes happens to me while mining. I normally mine dbl clicking a shovel, then just hitting a "last object" hotkey, and "last target" hotkey. However, when I break a shovel, but had already tried targetting (I spam both, so this happens alot), when I move my cursor outside my game window to dbl click the shovel in my backpack, and move it back onto the screen, it will target the first thing (tile) on the screen, thus telling me you can't mine that, or that is too far away, or some other error. For some reason it targets the first thing it can on the screen.
  5. Baine

    Baine Well-Known Member

    Sep 9, 2013
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    Hmm... It may be occurring while I'm in the process of healing one of my pets because I do use "use bandage" and "last target" hotkeys for that. Otherwise no, I should not have anything else running on razor, targeting wise. I'll have to pay attention if it only happens when I am healing my pet. Do you think that would cause it?
  6. Pirul

    Pirul Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    May 16, 2013
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    Maybe. Try doing it manually a couple of times.

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