The Captain and the Trolls

Discussion in 'The Salty Dog Tavern' started by Oni Neaufire, Apr 17, 2016.

  1. Oni Neaufire

    Oni Neaufire Well-Known Member

    Mar 15, 2014
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    "Lady Oni," ​

    The voice rang out behind me as I rode up to the Tower.
    I turned to address the voice.
    It was Traviesty, The captain of the guard.

    "M'Lady, the Realm and surrounding areas have been secured.
    "Great". I replied.
    "You are free for the rest of the evening, Captain."
    "That is just the problem," he concluded.
    "I have nothing to do with my free time, and my sword arm is eager to 'work'.

    "Ah, I see.
    You are in a predicament."

    He just smiled.

    "I think I can take care of those two things for you - the free time and the 'work'.
    "That would be most appreciated, M'Lady."

    "There is this place that will test you endurance and fighting skills."
    "Ah! That would do it," he replied.

    "To the Painted Caves we go then."

    In a moment, I had a shimmering portal blazing before us.

    The pleasant evening air quickly changed to a damp, musty smell.
    Strange writings were etched on the floor and walls.
    The vague lighting from our torches made the place seem even more foreboding.

    "Tis a strange place, Oni.
    What or who inhabits this place."

    "Well, this is an enclave of the trolls.
    Ready yourself.
    We could be here for a while."

    The faint light glinted off the war fork of the Captain as he drew it forth.
    A large square shield he carried was strapped to his left arm.

    "To battle," He exclaimed.

    The cave walls echoed his words
    and then seemed to come alive.

    Trolls appeared out of the walls, intent on 'teaching' the Captain his manners.

    The cavern resounded with the sound of clubs on the steel shield and the groans of pain from wounds inflicted.

    Troll after troll succumbed to the blows of the war fork.
    The trolls were piled like cord wood around Traviesty.
    Oni Neaufire_4-16_20.53.jpg Oni Neaufire_4-16_20.55.jpg
    Sweat and blood trickled down his cheek from the continued assault of the trolls.

    It seemed like we fought for hours.
    I threw a little fire magic to assist in the slaughter of the trolls.
    The flames etched strange shadows on the walls.
    Oni Neaufire_4-16_20.50.jpg

    A few moments of respite were attained as the trolls paused to regroup and remove us from their domain.
    They were but a few moments.

    "Your were right, M'Lady."
    This place tests your endurance and fills your time.
    But what are we waiting for?
    What creature resides here that can test my skills?"

    As if on cue, an blue skinned cave troll appeared.

    Oni Neaufire_4-16_21.23.jpg
    Down the corridor an enormous troll appeared.
    He lumbered towards us.
    The Captain pushed ahead of me and struck the massive troll.
    The battle was on...

    Blow after blow was given and taken.
    Sweat and more blood streaked down the Captain's face now.
    The cave troll was incessant in his assault.
    Magic came from the same massive arms the beat at the warrior.

    Valiantly, Traviesty thrust and slashed at the troll.
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    Oni Neaufire_4-16_21.26-1.jpg
    The troll was enraged by the many wounds he has sustained.
    Desperately, he fought on but in vain.

    In a great thud, which resounded throughout the cavern, the massive creature fell.

    "Look Oni, The troll carried a gift for me."

    Proudly, the Captain held the 'gift' aloft.
    In the shadowy lighting, I saw the magical war fork in his hand.

    "Truly you spoke, M'Lady.
    This cavern is a very good teacher."

    "Shall we go?" I asked.
    "This air is becoming a bit much.
    I relish the soft, sweet smells of the Spiritwood again."

    "As do I," he concluded.

    He stretched his arm out, still brandishing the 'gift'.

    "Besides, My arm no longer needs 'work'."

    I chuckled as the words slipped out of my mouth,
    "Vas Rel Por."
    The portal home appeared.
    In we stepped...
  2. Elma

    Elma Member

    Oct 9, 2014
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    Nice story Oni:D
    Oni Neaufire likes this.
  3. Riyne

    Riyne Active Member

    Nov 1, 2014
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    well done.

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