The Colors...

Discussion in 'The Salty Dog Tavern' started by Oni Neaufire, Apr 12, 2016.

  1. Oni Neaufire

    Oni Neaufire Well-Known Member

    Mar 15, 2014
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    This day dawned as any other.​
    So many have dawned this way lately.
    It seemed as though life had been put in a press of sorts and continued to print out dull, lifeless days.

    Everywhere I rode the people, the buildings, seemingly the very fabric of life was bound to boredom.
    Noonetrust, my faithful mount, affected by the blandness of life no longer cantered gleefully.
    Something seemed to have sucked the color out of the realm.

    I too had begun to feel the drain on my life.
    With each passing day, the gloom of routineness pervaded my being and left me feeling more and more less colorful, less enthusiastic of living in this realm.
    Was it time to begin to search for greener pastures in some other realm?

    That thought burdened my very soul to the point of pain.

    "Is there any point in staying?" My inner voice came to my lips.

    I bit my lips to keep them from further betrayal.

    "Move," I pondered inwardly.

    "NO!" I exclaimed.

    My ostard lurched at my exclamatory remark.
    I tightened my grip on the reins and spoke more softly.

    "I will find color and life here in this place" I whispered in the ostard's ear.
    "I will not let those memories I cherish with friends, comrades, and allies be forever left behind in a land I wish to forget.
    This is the Eternal Realm of the Knights.
    I will stand in it till the Realm is no more."

    Noonetrust seemed to agree.
    His pace quickened, and the grey dullness began to erode under his feet.
    The grass began to green up and once again the flowers where in bloom.

    Our life is what we make it.
    We chose each day to add the colors.
    The greyness only comes from our pathetic and little minds seeking to pacify our self-importance.
    When we focus on ourselves we take all the color from our world.
    We do not see there are others around us who would enjoy a word or gesture from us, some color.
    In turn, they will be able to add their colors to the Realm.
    Soon, the landscape will be bursting.
    The hues will be overwhelming, breathtakingly overwhelming.

    Add your colors..

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