The Company of Woe ~ A VoP Adventure ~

Discussion in 'The Salty Dog Tavern' started by Jupiter, Aug 7, 2014.

  1. Jupiter

    Jupiter Well-Known Member

    Jul 24, 2013
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    A lady in red,
    A natural warrior,
    A powerful order,
    A colorful maiden,

    When these four elements align with grey, woe to evil that stands in their way.


    The sapphire pond swirled into motion, and disrupted Jupiter’s meditation.

    “What is it maiden, what turbulence stirs your waters?”, Jupiter spoke softly as though to somebody standing next to him.

    A vision opened within the pond, revealing the familiar shore of Avatar island. Through the <tranquil> Jupiter perceived a vessel that was rocked by the waves. He saw the crew frantically working to tie down hatches, and lower the sails, everything on the ship was in chaotic commotion, and then the vision slowed and Jupiter saw a small girl clutching close to her mother. Just as suddenly as it had appeared, the vision swirled closed, and Jupiter was left gazing again into the pond, with the model boat swaying back and forth. Only now, the model boat had an addition… it was now laden with a glimmering key.

    Jupiter knew a company would have to be called together. This small child would have to be saved if at all possible!


    The company of Woe looked on from the shore as Lord Ezzenglade searched the hull and deck of the abandoned ship. Turning he shook his head “There’s nothing here,” he began, but then something caught his eye. He held it up and called out, “it looks like a tear soaked letter!”

    Suddenly the ships prow heaved and the great planks of the ship began to snap down the center. Jupiter called out, “Quickly, get to shore, dark magic is at work to sink that ship!”

    “Rel Por!,” Ezzenglade was glad he always carried copious amounts of reagents for perilous situations just like this.

    As the company read the letter, they were filled with despair. The small child was captured by orcs and carried into Hythloth. As they looked up, they all shared the same understanding with out speaking. They all knew that no one on that vessel was trained or prepared to face the horrors of that dungeon. Hope would not be part of their company this time. They all felt they were going to rescue the corpses.


    As they delved deeper into the dungeon’s dark halls and passed rank and wretched rooms, they all felt despair as they saw signs of the search party that was clearly decimated… If the grown men and sailors of the ship could not survive the lower halls, what hope was there for a small child?

    But something urged the group to press on, and they were grateful they did; for none of them could have borne the burden of sorrow if they had failed to save this small child. A child who against all odds, kept hope alive in her heart!


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