Whilst adventuring into the frozen dungeon of Deceit, Borin and Jupiter find their ITS are malfunctioning (infinite translation spells). They find a lone warrior, a returner to Ultima (RTU guild - look it up). Apparently he is the leader of a band of refugees, much like Jupiter, who left the realm of Sosaria long ago. The poor fool was being mercilessly assailed by a reanimated bone creature when Borin and Jupiter stumbled upon him. The man was seemingly unresponsive despite the skeletal creature's massive blows. Jupiter and Borin dispatched the assailant, but with their ITS malfunctioning, they attempted to greet the fellow in the most common forms of salutation they can come up with.
The last greeting ought to be the most original greeting in the history of mankind! The mentioning of food, how couldn't one feel greeted and welcomed? I'm impressed with the sophisticated level of this ITS spell of yours!