first off this is first post and ive been playing on UOR for almost a week now and loving it! on to the story.. ive been playing uo off and on since i would consider myself a vet player well... i went out on a boat in the lost lands to train up on my provo. i put almost everything in the hatch, including key and regs. well, i got bored and though why kill all these guys and not get anything from it... lowered the plank and "tried" to edge myself on to it. i walked right off onto the island. i thought no problem, dbl clicked the plank... it rasied. umm dbl click deck... "locked" oh crap! so here i am stuck on wravern island with no way to get back onto my boat, leaving or cast spells... luck would have it that there is a system in place for ppl in my shoes. click help menu on paperdoll, my player is physicly stuck, check. wait time 5-10 min! ouch! then a lonley wryvern started walking into veiw, sees me.. peaced him...wait... wait... peace again this when on for a while, you should have seen me spaming my peace and clicking on him every time i had target curser. then another one shows up and by then the first one was only 3-4 tile spaces away. well... only one shot, provo training dont fail me now... WORKED! yes.. but bad part that wryvern closest to me was the victor and is now only 2 spaces away. spamed peace making for a a bit longer.. bam, im in a town. ran to bank grab some regs and recalled back to my secure boat. i trained for another 5 min and got bored and went to go check on the cupid spawn. now, i told my newbie move, lets here yours. i know someone has to have a more interesting story to share then this one. please forgive my typing, i sucked at english and spelling in school, plus, this isnt a essay paper. Cyco Lee of the Lee famdamnly signing off. peace as a side note. some of my buddies are trying to talk me into dropping peace for taming...have some more thinking to do after lastnight.
This didn't happen to me but funny non the less. We were doing treasure maps, and the person looting was throwing all of the stuff from the chest in to a pouch. When we finished we gated out, gate hopped the pouch, got to town and split up the money. Nameless, as I will call him unless he feels he would like to fess up to this, says "You guys split the gold, I'll keep the items." "OK" we said. As we are dividing the gold, Nameless pops a gate, and we see the pouch disappear. Nameless returns, "Uh, how long does it take for items to decay in a trash barrel?" "Three minutes, unless it's a lot of items then it is instant." "Whelp, I guess that pouch met the a lot of items cut-off...."