The Realm's Greatest Treasure...

Discussion in 'The Salty Dog Tavern' started by Oni Neaufire, May 10, 2015.

  1. Oni Neaufire

    Oni Neaufire Well-Known Member

    Mar 15, 2014
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    The chest flung open with a startling blast.
    Inside were rare pieces of armour and weaponry, costly gems, gold and priceless coins.
    Everything sparkled dazzinglingly in the afternoon sun.
    It was a sight to behold.

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    No, this doesn't seem a right beginning.
    Let me try again..

    "Lay up Treasure where moth and rust do not decay and where thieves cannot break in and steal."
    The ancient words came to my remembrance as I oft am reading in the early hours of my day.
    This day had been no different, and little did I know how true these words would become.

    Many of our days start the same.
    We rise and quickly settle into our routine.
    Little note and thought are taken to the things that make up our days.
    We hurriedly rush around and spend all our time burning with concerns and cares that in the end matter little.
    We seek fame and riches.
    We pillage and loot, not caring about how we get it as long as we get it.
    Self-gratification and wantonness drive our being.
    We take and consume and lust for more.

    And right at our fingertips is the Greatest Treasure..

    "Oni," Elma's familiar voice rang out behind me.
    I jumped a bit, startled at the break in my thoughts.
    Oh! there you are," she continued.
    "I was just wondering if your would care to go out and do a little hunting?
    My sword arm is feeling lazy.
    I feel so unknightish."
    I chuckled at the choice of the young knight's words.
    *Thinks to check if that word is in the dictionary*​

    "Sure, I will go with you.
    I need some activity myself."

    A broad smile came to her face.
    I thought a great burden seemed to lift from her shoulders.

    We rode out of the Eternal Realm and headed south and east towards the Village of Paws.
    There were a few unhappy campers in the area between, and Elma's arm was unlazied.

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    The village was rather quiet for a saturday afternoon.
    We swung from south to north and as we approached the Grey Wizard's Tower we heard a reverberating banging on the west side.
    An ogre was pounding on the walls of the Tower.

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    "What's this!? An ogre in Paws," Elma shouted as she drew her sword and charged the huge creature.
    Her arm no longer looked 'unknightish'.
    Her blows landed with skill, precision and force.
    The Wizard's Tower of Paws was out of danger.

    "My arm is feeling much better now," she concluded.
    "But a little more practice would not hurt."
    I quickly scanned the area.

    "Nothing on radar," I proclaimed.
    *wonders where that last word came from*

    "Oni, these monsters have weighted my purse down."
    "Well, guess we better head for a bank and let you make a deposit.
    One of my few runes will bring up the Bank in Cove."

    In a moment a shimmering portal blazed from my fingertips and we walked out into Cove.
    The little hamlet was bustling.
    People were moving about shopping and passing time needlessly it seemed.
    My earlier thoughts came back to me.
    I quickly brushed them aside and followed Elma to the bank.

    "No since ruining my day by looking at those who fake existence by gathering up useless memories," I mused to myself.

    We finished at the bank and headed for the city gates.
    We raced out and headed for the wilderness to the east.
    My 'radar' was full of 'targets'.
    A group of lizardmen caught my eye.

    "These are not indigenous to the area," I mumbled.
    "What?" Elma questioned.
    "Oh! Lizard tracks are here."
    "Let's check them out," Elma replied.
    "Good idea."

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    A short jaunt to the north brought a fluttering tent into view.
    The smell of roasted rabbit filled the air.
    A lizardman named Thals *Gotta love them ssss's* was bent over the fire tending the rabbit.
    He jumped up and started yelling some sort of gibberish, again with lots of ssss's in it, and attacked us.
    We quickly dispatched him and his partners and stepped into the tent. Oni Neaufire_5-9_19.34.jpg The tent held a prisoner named Eamon and some loot chests.
    We released him to safety and 'relieved' the chests of there valuables.
    The dead lizards would no longer be needin' them, right?

    As I mentioned before, the chests held valuable wealth, if one considers stuff as wealth.

    But I say the Greatest Treasure was standing right beside me in her ever-present blue cape, tunic and shield:
    My friend, Elma, with her very knightly sword wielded high.

    No moth or rust can corrupt, and thieves cannot steal: Friendship, The Realm's Greatest Treasure!

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