The Salty Dog's “Tales of Adventure” Competition

Discussion in 'The Salty Dog Tavern' started by Samorite, Mar 27, 2013.

  1. Samorite

    Samorite Renaissance Game Master
    Renaissance Staff

    Feb 1, 2013
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    The Salty Dog's “Tales of Adventure” Competition

    Within days of resent events and more strangers enter the lands of Sosaria we offer you a chance to win a prize unique within these worlds….

    To help promote our face book page we are looking for talented travelers to share their experiences may it be on the high seas, dungeons or lands far and wide.

    The tales must be on our shard and include screen shots. if you are unsure how to take an in game screen shot look HERE

    The Judges will be looking for creativity, witty, bit of fear factor and romance :)

    And the winner will receive a special hued pen and ink set with their name on it


    So citizens finish your yard of ale and set forth!!
  2. Blaise

    Blaise Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Jul 14, 2012
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    Re: The Salty Dogs “Tales of Adventure” Competition

    Well, I love the concept and I'm glad that I'm not a judge, so I can compete. Whoever this 'Blaize' character is, will likely be biased to my work considering how our names are similar.

    I also think judging should be kept private and managed by the staff to ensure fair judgement without bias.

    Or, perhaps a vote/ranking system on forums for each story? This way anyone who reads it can give it a basic vote for level of quality. Tales reaching x level of rank, by votes from unique user ID/IPs, will be granted such an award by the staff directly.
  3. Zyler

    Zyler Well-Known Member

    Aug 25, 2012
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    Re: The Salty Dog's “Tales of Adventure” Competition

    Great idea and an incentive for me to write an actual story - sometime Ive been meaning to do for some time. I dont think player voting is a good idea because the contest becomes a popularity contest.
  4. Gharik

    Gharik Active Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    May 19, 2012
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    Re: The Salty Dog's “Tales of Adventure” Competition

    I'd like some pooooooound cake!
    I mean... I'm in.

    What's the deadline?
  5. Samorite

    Samorite Renaissance Game Master
    Renaissance Staff

    Feb 1, 2013
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    Re: The Salty Dog's “Tales of Adventure” Competition

    as the shard is new and events have been plentiful I was thinking the end of this month so 30/04/2013
  6. Zyler

    Zyler Well-Known Member

    Aug 25, 2012
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    Re: The Salty Dog's “Tales of Adventure” Competition

    A Troubling, Treasured Tale

    I met my fishing partner at the Skara Brae docks to find him killing our dolphin friends who many times, have guided us on our sea journeys. I was shocked at what I saw.


    We previously arranged an expedition of the high seas to find a long, lost sunken treasure. Our clue was on a waterstained SOS message obtained from a message in a bottle we found in the belly of a sea serpent we slayed on our last embark. After boarding our small ship, the Belly Up, I handed the bottle to my partner.



    During our journey, we encountered several monsters of the seas on the way to the sunken treasure.
    My friend hid given the torrid magics the water elementals use in battle.


    Later, he bravely pulled up a deep sea serpent that had a special fishing net!


    My fishing friend has been getting a bit gruff and crusty lately, perhaps too much time on the seas. He kept mentioning others on the seas that don’t belong there.


    I decided to halt his random tirades by throwing a few nets out.


    The nets pulled up 5 formidable monsters. I provoked the water elementals onto the kraken which it quickly disposed of… I then had the sea serpents attack the foul creature.


    They too quickly succumbed to tentacled beast of the sea, therefore we finished it off using my magics and my friend’s skillful archery. Once dead, we searched the creatures for special treasures they sometimes carry but nay!


    We finally reach the sunken treasure location and my comrade fished up numerous items as we searched for the chest. Unfortunately, he also fished up some remains of those on the distressed boat. It appears the vessel sank with the crew onboard.

    He celebrated and showed off the bounty from his mastered skill…


    Back at the docks, my “friend” said the oddest thing as I saw him off…


    I’m not sure what to make of his words however I have heard rumors of pirates roaming the seas. While I do not know this to be true, given I have yet to see any with my own eyes... I fear my friend may be seeking out this nefarious group and is up to no good.

    I do hope he isn’t planning to pillage whatever and whomever he may find. *sighs*

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