UO:R Treasure hunters anonymous

Discussion in 'Renaissance Discussion' started by Valmour, May 14, 2020.

  1. Valmour

    Valmour Well-Known Member

    Mar 2, 2015
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    Hi, my name is Valtreas and I have a treasure hunting problem. My friend, Valtamer, is enabling me by continuously buying every level of map available on vendors and the trade forums. We have talked about this many times over the last few months, but I think he knows about the addiction I have and i know Valtamer's desire for the level 7 maps that has a chance of spawning. I feel like I am an indentured servant and the joy is gone from doing these now. Here is what I have to look forward to over the next few months, as of right now... but I know that he will still buy more....

    LvL 1 - 390 maps
    LvL 2 - 55 maps
    LvL 3 - 138 maps
    LvL 4 - 95 maps
    LvL 5 - 81 maps
    LvL 6 - 9 maps
    LvL 7 - 1 map

    Valtamer locks me upstairs in his tower and forces me to scrutinize and decipher each and every map over and over again to make sure that I will be digging in the right spot. He has forced me to sort each map and catalog every one of them to make it easier for him to do the LvL 1 maps by himself, while I am locked in the tower!!

    If you see him out in the world... please I am begging for mercy now.... Will someone put a stop to Valtamer before I go insane.....:(
    Last edited: May 14, 2020
  2. Valmour

    Valmour Well-Known Member

    Mar 2, 2015
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    This is Valtreas again, I am able to talk real quick, because he just left with a bunch of LvL 1 maps. As he was leaving, he threw at me ten more maps that he got from somewhere... He knows my map addiction is preventing me from leaving this wretched place, because these maps are my legacy and there is nobody in this realm that can organize and decipher them like I can. I am truly torn about what I should do, because Valtamer knows he has me trapped and I have nowhere to go if he throws me out. So the way I see it is that I hope we can get these maps finished, that is of course he doesn't find more, so I can leave finally or I think I am going to loose my mind trying to keep everything in PRISTINE condition for him.

    I have messed up a few times with the plain maps by sticking, accidentally of course, expert maps to try to keep him away longer, but I have learned that that just infuriates him, because of his lack of skill for digging that treasure up. I hate to say it, but he needs me for my expertise.... BUT I feel that I need him because of my addiction...

    Where do I go from here.... How can I live my life forever surrounded by maps... There has to be help somewhere....
    AOٌ likes this.
  3. OptimisticSam

    OptimisticSam Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Dec 17, 2016
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    Valtreas - it seems you are in a dire spot. I have a proposal for you. You and I shall coordinate a time in the near future in which the door to your home can be "accidentally" left unlocked. I'll come and take the maps, tie you up to a chair, and give you a few superficial wounds --- we'll make Valtamer believe that I snuck in, bested you in a fair fight, and stole the maps! What say you?
    Kiryana, Aurelian and AOٌ like this.
  4. Valmour

    Valmour Well-Known Member

    Mar 2, 2015
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    OptimisticSam - I believe that you might be on to something there, but I foresee two issues... First one - I was magically gated to this tower a long time ago and I am always gated back to the entrance. I have only a vague idea of my current location since it is located in a swamp. The second problem is even worse as ALL the maps, even LvL 1, are currently located in secure containers which only he has access to. He only allows free access to the chests when he is around to watch me closely, I am not sure if we could make this work without KILLING him outright, but he is ALWAYS surrounded by two dragons and a ferocious nightmare which would make that nigh impossible even if we both tried...

    Sam, I feel that your plan could work, but it is highly unlikely that he would grant me access to the secure chests unless he was around. I know that there must be a way, but Valtamer is a deadly serious individual when it comes to his treasure maps. I feel that with my addiction, even if this was to succeed, would leave me with nothing to live for... all those maps would be gone and he would SURELY kill me over this... all is lost I fear...
    Xavant_BR likes this.
  5. OptimisticSam

    OptimisticSam Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Dec 17, 2016
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    Do you have any magical abilities of your own? If so, perhaps you could summon a gate inside the home - allowing me to come through with my own dragons and mares - and we can hold him hostage until he releases you from your apparent bondage.
    Cretoma likes this.

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