"Viking" Sea of Lords Recruiting for the Cause. Looking? Look no more..!

Discussion in 'The Salty Dog Tavern' started by Magnhild, Feb 26, 2015.

  1. Magnhild

    Magnhild Member

    Feb 24, 2015
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    Greetings and Welcome To all new comers.

    The "Vikings" Sea of Lord's Is now recruiting all types of RPGers Mostly Warriors and Mages. But Tamers Bards And Crafters Are Always Welcome.

    Rules and Regulations

    1. Have fun and Get along with others
    2.When online actively be active.
    3.Have fun.
    4. We are a light Rp Guild so i would ask those who are in an RP town please RP with them.

    We have a sparring dumbie for those who need training.(Alva Magnhild)She will be running none stop at Occlo Bank. She loves training people and would do anything to help the guild grow.

    My wife she is very strong and can take a lot of punishment. Been clubbing her all night myself.*winks*...So if you need help in any thing please feel free to ask me or one of my other Hersir's.

    If you would like to join our guild just to train then that would be find. Just please keep your tags hidden and you can train all you want thank you and have a nice day.


    Our event system between our guild will be Epic
    (Marco polo)
    (Treasure Hunting)
    (Conquering new lands)
    (Scavenger Hunts)

    Rank System

    New members of The Vikings are ranked as Thralls. This is a short probationary period (minimum length 3 months) during which the individual will be expected to fulfil certain basic requirements before being regarded as a full member of The Vikings.

    Thralls have to get a basic kit together, which includes weapons for warriors, and pass a basic assessment as a villager, warrior or archer before they can progress to the next rank.


    A Fri-hals is a full member of The Vikings who is recognised as having attained a minimum standard of competence whilst not as yet having earned the right to vote on Society issues.

    If they wish to rise to the next rank they must take further skills assessments and improve the standard and variety of their kit. Some people are happy to stay as Fri-hals but most people move on.


    The Drengr comprise the backbone of The Vikings those members who have proved both their abilities and their commitment and who now have a say in the running of The Vikings and a vote in Society decisions.

    Many people stay at this rank but continue to develop their skills and “characters”. Though they are a Drengr for administrative purposes within The Vikings they may well be found portraying anything from the slave to king.

    Thegn is a rank and office. The latter describes a Drengr who is carrying out an official function within The Vikings, the former is a rank conferred by the Konungr (King) as a reward for good service. Office holders who resign revert to Drengr but the rank is conferred for life or until a greater honour is awarded.

    Thegns are the backbone of the administration of The Vikings


    Jarl is a rank and office. The latter describes a Drengr (sometimes, but not always, a Thegn) who is a Herred within The Vikings or holding a senior administrative office within The Vikings, the former is a rank conferred by the Konungr (King) as a reward for good service. Office holders who resign revert to Drengr or Thegn but the rank is conferred for life or until a greater honour is awarded.

    Jarls provide leadership and direction to the Herreds.


    Sturaesman is the office held by the leaders of Lethangs, when a Lethang lead attains Herred status the Sturaesman takes up the office of Jarl.

    When the Jarl of a Herred stands down his successor is a Sturaesman for at least a year before they are raised up to the office of Jarl.


    The rank of Hersir is held by those that have proven themselves capable of leading warriors in battle.

    Warrior of Renown

    A warrior with a specific skill set and particular set of kit who abides by a special code of conduct.

    Have fun and enjoy UOR for along time to come There are 4 Hersir Counsil members Atm Find
    Me (Magnhild) or the others in game such as (Vex or Veitican),(Aidan),(Lord Exouds)Or My Wife (Alva Magnhild)

    Halabinder likes this.
  2. Teut

    Teut New Member

    Oct 14, 2014
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    Nice to have you here! Im looking forward to some nice events :)
    I would love to see you staying this active, i feel like we could use some more ppl RPing here.

    PS: this might be the wrong forum for guild recruitments though ;)
    PaddyOBrien and Magnhild like this.
  3. Magnhild

    Magnhild Member

    Feb 24, 2015
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