Walk a Mile... No Two... Part One

Discussion in 'The Salty Dog Tavern' started by Oni Neaufire, Dec 7, 2014.

  1. Oni Neaufire

    Oni Neaufire Well-Known Member

    Mar 15, 2014
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    I rode south out of the Eternal Realm, cleansing our lands of undesirables.
    I had volunteered,- along with the High Paladin, Alesha- to take on the patrol duties for a while.
    Spethaus, the regular patroler, asked to have some time away to continue some much needed training:
    A Knight-to-be has many more responsibilities than monster bashing.
    The lands were not overly infested with infiltrators this day.
    I was not hardly taxed in my efforts to make the realm safe for unarmed travelers.
    I rode into the Headwater region and saw the Loar of the Crafters out and about.

    "Hail, Lady Oni," Gerber called out as he looked up from making a suit of armor.
    "Good day, Gerber," I replied.
    "You seem quite busy."
    "Aye, I am. Rose asked me to make her a new suit of studded green."
    "Looks very well made."
    "Thankee, MLady," he answered.
    "What brings you this way?"
    "I volunteered to patrol this part of the realm today and to make sure you would be around later," I responded.
    "I will be here. I have another hour or so to make this armor and other things."
    "Great! I shall easily be back by then."
    "See you later."
    "Aye, MLady."
    I continued on south and more east to the edge of the Village of Paws.
    The area was only slightly infested with undesirables, and once again I cleared the area without much effort.

    "This patrolling is quite thirsty work," I mused to myself." Guess I used too much fire magic to cleanse with."
    "Think I shall get a drink at the Paws Tavern."
    I rode on into the village and cut close to the Wizard's Tower.
    I had just made it past the front steps, when I heard the great doors flung open behind me.

    "Lady Oni, Lady Oni!" Jupiter's voice rang out frantically.​
    I pulled Noonetrust up short and turned to greet him.
    I had to force a grin on my face so he would not see my exhale of breath.
    I did not want any wizardly distractions at the moment.
    I could see my drink slipping out of reach and fast.

    "Ah, Good day, Jupe. How are ye?"
    "Umm, Well..," his face looked pale.
    "What's wrong?"
    "I just received a message from an unscrupulous warrior accusing me of trying to do him in.
    He is supposed to be on his way here right now."
    "And you need me to bolster you."
    "Oh! Ah! Would you?"
    "Okay, Sure I 'll stay."
    "O! Thank you.​
    The color in his face begin to return, just for a moment, though.

    "Wizard!" A voice cried out behind us.​

    Jupe's face turned ashen again.
    I grabbed his arm reassuringly.
    We turned to face the warrior.
    He was flanked by four well- armed warriors.

    "Why you try to kill me?"
    "I.. aaa.. hrrmm, I did not try to kill you, Vyko."
    "Well, somebody from here tried to assassinate me!" Vyko replied, still in a loud voice.
    "Umm, How do you know?" Jupiter questioned.
    "A mage with a red crest attempted it. I say he came from here."
    "No, no! Not any red-crested mages live in Paws. Er, Right Oni?'​
    For a moment I thought to let Ol' Jupe sweat for a bit.
    But being the kind person I am...
    *No, Vyko. No red-crested mages live in Paws, nor anywhere around here."​
    Jupe's face begin to show some relief.
    "Who then would do such a thing, Wizard?"
    "Hrrmm! Well, there is a bunch of mages to the north that could be the culprits," Jupiter answered.
    "I must have proof, Wizard."
    "Well, I could walk with you a mile in that place."
    "Walk a mile," I thought to myself. "best to walk two, as the ancient book states."
    "Okay, Wizard, but I'll be a watchin' ya. His sword glistened in the waning afternoon sun.
    "Oni, Can you come also?" Jupiter asked pleadingly.​
    My refreshment was gone, gone, gone now.
    'Sure, I will go."
    With more color in his face, Jupiter said, "Let us go then."

    He opened a portal to the mages lair.
    We were met by fiends of ice.

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    and wild mages bent on destruction.
    We cleared the area of fiends and mages, but no clues were found.

    "Alas, this is not the place," Jupiter stated.
    "Indeed it is not, Wizard."
    "Perhaps it was not a wizard who attempted to vanquish your life, Vyko," I broke in.
    "I have never heard of a red-crested mage anywhere.
    I have another suggestion."
    "Oh1 Lady Oni. You think you have the answer? asked Jupiter.
    "Aye, i do," I replied. "The second mile should be trode with this slighted warrior."​
    Vyko's face suddenly softened somewhat.
    "Let us leave this nasty place and discuss this in a more hospitable chamber."​
    That drink was really on my mind now.
    "Grand idea, MLady."
    "Aye," Vyko stated gruffly, wiping his bloodied sword clean.
    Jupiter opened a portal and in a flash we were back in the village.

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    "Alas, my powers are spent. I must retreat for a period of meditation," Jupiter pleaded.
    "Go ahead Wizard. But watch thy steps in the future. I be watchin' ya." Vyko was still wielding his sword.
    "How about a drink, Vyko." I quipped trying to change the atmosphere and tone of conversation.
    "Love one. That bustin' up fiends and wizards is thirsty work."​
    Jupiter ducked inside the door of the rune tower of Paws and was gone.
    "Indeed it is," I chuckled.​
    I opened a portal; Vyko and I walked out into the town of Magincia.
    We headed for the local tavern.

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    "Why you helping me out?" asked Vyko as he took a big gulp from his flagon.
    "Why this second mile as you call it?"
    "My journey through this realm has taken me to strange and wonderful places, and I have met some interesting and wonderful people.
    I have found that getting to know all who live here makes my life and theirs so much the more fulfilling and joyous.
    Making friends of all is why I am here."
    "Then I should like for to go with you to this place you mentioned earlier
    Perhaps this place holds the key to my mystery.
    And you may be right in your approach to others here in this realm as well."
    I just smiled.

    The second mile was ahead...​
  2. Jupiter

    Jupiter Well-Known Member

    Jul 24, 2013
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    Fantastic record of that night's events! Thank you for documenting! I much preferred helping Vykos brave slay ice daemons over the alternative of them fighting me.
    Oni Neaufire likes this.
  3. Elma

    Elma Member

    Oct 9, 2014
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    Nice story and photo's

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