Too many options for a poll, so please choose from the following: Britain Buccaneer's Den Cove Delucia Jhelom Magincia Minoc Moonglow Nujel'm Ocllo Papua Serpent's Hold Skara Brae Trinsic Vesper Wind Yew Player-run cities don't count for the purpose of this poll (sorry, Wispfelt). If you'd like to say why, that'd be great. My fave is Skara Brae. I'm not sure why exactly, but I like it the best.
Skara Brae, home of Project Sanctuary! Also, you can find basically everything you need there. Most overrated: Yew, Serpent's Hold. Most underrated/underutilized: Cove. Most annoying cities of all time: Trinsic, Yew, Papua.
I like Nujel'm, because it doesn't have an incoming moongate. Helps keep the riff-raff out. Moonglow gets a second place nod. The added stables on UO:R really helps it.
Both are not very practical, but I think Wind and Yew are my favorites. Yew has the Empath Abbey and the Court/Jail, which are very neat structures and Wind is just plain cool. Who doesn't like a weird secret magic city hidden in a cave? That said, I use Moonglow for most things.
The first character I ever made on UO was in Vesper. I loved having the graveyard nearby, and the passage to T2A. I think mostly for the nostalgia, I would have to say Vesper is my favorite!
Vesper was my first town, too! (First character name: DeathBlade, haha!) There was no T2A when I started but I liked how close it was to Minoc and the graveyard. I used to run back and forth all day long.
Favorite cities: 1. Skara - good for general use since it's pretty compact and a short distance from the moongate. It has pretty much everything you need...stables, bank, mage shops, provisioners, tailor, smith, etc. When I get BOD's I like going to Skara since the tailor and blacksmith are right next to each other. 2. Nujelm - I like the bank there too, it's a nice city plus I like looking at the guildstone graveyard. It's neat! 3 Trinsic - only on my list because I like the bank and if i'm in a hurry or don't have time to talk to anyone I go there since it's low traffic for the most part. Aside from the bank, Trinsic can shove it. 4. Britain - easy to find things and start a character there. Honorable mentions: Cove is nice. Jhelom is nice because of the short hike from the moongate. Least favorite cities: 1. Yew - the town itself has pretty much nothing useful save for the Empath Abbey. Lots of crime, too much pixel crack. Too laggy with all aforementioned pixel crack. 2. Trinsic - too spread apart, need UOAM to navigate. Moongate a death trap to get to. Only redeeming quality is the bank. 3. Occlo - the bank is crawling with amateur thieves and other vermin that are more of a minor annoyance than good thieves. Afk'ers line the streets and make movement nearly impossible. Occlo is the UOR equivalent of "People of Walmart" where it isn't uncommon to bump into someone with alternating cap names wearing nothing but a bone helm, standing next to a guy with a neon beard and uo tighty whiteys, next to the "Generic Player" who probably got nailed by staff for trying to make a name that had some alternation of the word penis, racial slurs, or other delightful bodily functions. 4. Vesper - too spread apart Bank is okay though
1. Wind Back in day I had a character who lived there. 2. Skara Brae Love the extended aspects of the city, Farm houses, Ranger building, cotton fields. In town, as mentioned, great town for bod collectors 3. Trinsic (not as much as back in day) Miss the Paladins roaming the city. But like the ability to walk/run around city via walls. The out of way things, like the scribe and the ankh located off by themselves. 4.Nujelm Love the summer palace and gardens
Trinsic for the win! Back in the day when the undead invaded the city, that was an amazing RP event. Also a while later when all the players rallied together and took back the city from undead control and killed the Necromancer. Good times!
I forgot about East Brit... i like it there. I had a guild on another shard long time ago dedicated to liberate East Brit from West Brit and become it's own city! haha. we'd bank bomb guards in West Brit (on that shard you could indeed kill the guards but it was tough). and post East Brit propaganda on the bulletins
Minoc mostly nostalgic reasons. Pre T2a I was about 12 first char was a miner/swordsman. Sure did get killed alot leap froggin ore in the moutains to the north. Also spent a bit of time all around that area... Vesper graveyard etc....