Welcome to Dyne's Mega Springtime BOD Sale! This package includes a total of 193 shadow smithing BODs, 167 small and 25 large. Every single BOD in this sale has been carefully (and lovingly in a picturesque seaside environment) screenshotted and is shown below. You can jump to the large BODs by searching this page for "Large BODs". S/B: 200k B/I: 25k Platinum accepted at 9k per coin, holiday coins at 6k per coin. Auction ends 48 hours after the last bid. Small BODs Large BODs
Come on, people! 200k is a steal for this BOD package. This package includes (as can be seen in the screenshots): 15 exceptional shadow plate helm (3x), gloves (2x), gorget (2x), arms, legs (3x) and the large BOD. So if you got or get the 15 exceptional shadow plate tunic BOD, you can make a brazier deed right away, which has a going price of 200k, equaling the S/B.