We have a bag of Item ID wands with random charges ranging mostly from 25 to 150 Charges per wand. (Doesn't really matter for Item ID) 3,217 ID Charges in wands S/B 25K Bid increments 5K Bid will end 24 hours after final bid Happy Bidding.
50 gold per ID charge starting bid? LOLLLL I am here to adjust/troll your starting bid. *points and laughs*
I don't use ID wands... We asked on IRC and were told 50g to 100 gold per ID charge... Care to provide a more accurate quote instead of making fun of me ? Curly Sue's a sad panda now....
Thanks Nymeros!! Starting bid adjusted per Nymeros' helpful, non abusive post JK btw Mindless. Thanks for letting us know.
Sorry; I was just being an asshole. I don't use them either... Item Identification on containers for life.
Its meant in increments of 5K 5K 10K 15K (you can bid as much as you want in increments of 5K) (nobody bid 5,231 more than the last guy)