I've seen this while running around, it is a unique setup for how these are bridged. Very cool spot. GL w sale.
Xx-God-xX I dont appreciate you pretending to be me and playing along to loot someones house. I dont know who you are other than the person that bought those bridge towers from me not to long ago, but this person started blaming me that I looted their house when Iwasn't even on. Might want to read the rules about scamming in IRC using someones else name.
I dont know what the hell you are talking about... but since you decided to make it public, itll stay public. At no point have i done any of these things above, so if you want to throw your baseless bullshit accusations out, we can have this solved pretty easily @Chris But truly I believe Chris has better things to do than review logs which dont exist.
Yeah... bullshit. You talked to me in IRC PM offering to sell me the towers next to my house -- then you used that to loot the gold I was transferring. Thinking you were my guildmate -- I left it be when you came up on screen while I was at duel arena with Somerite and a few others. I noticed well after the fact when your red character tried to pk them with blade spirit after you looted my shit. Then you played dumb to it in game etc... before admitting you were who you were. You were plenty happy to play along with being him.
And if he actually checks the "logs" (honestly I'm new and don't even know what exactly that entails -- irc? uo? both?) he will see you're full of shit.
False, You contacted me, I just advertised on IRC. These towers just happened to be a few screens away, had no idea until today. How exactly did i loot the gold you were transferring? When i rolled up, you blatantly admitted and began rambling on about how you were unaware until recently that locked down boxes were lootable? ( so how is this my problem that you weren't educated and got looted for chests you had on your front step locked down? ) At no time, did i say I was The Hammer, at no time, was i asked and admitted to being The Hammer.. At no time did I impersonate The Hammer via IRC, or in any other circumstance.. so please, tell me what the fuck you are talking about.
Yeah that's bullshit. You pretended to be 3 different people and one of which was supposedly a guild mate I know well and trusted. Your 3rd character -- the one in TnT was playing dumb and I had no proof it was you still, so I gave a short explanation that I had been looted.
At no point did I ever pretend to be your guildmate, so as i must reiterate, " I DO NOT KNOW WHAT THE FUCK YOU ARE TALKING ABOUT ".
Bro, you didn't practice basic house security. Someone took advantage of it. Don't try to drag unrelated people in it and don't try and derail a trading forums post. Chalk it up as a lesson learned. If you don't nail something down on UO, someone is going to run off with it. Move on and welcome to the game. PS: A guide, by Chris himself on how to secure your shit: http://uorforum.com/threads/housing-101-entrance-security-tips-and-tricks.544/
There are a lot of accusations flying in this thread and drama being imported from IRC. None of it makes sense. "... I know well" Apparently not well enough to realize that the supposed impostor was both not in your guild and not who you thought they were ... I'm having a hard time following how a PM in IRC was "used" to loot gold you were transferring. Large amounts of gold should be transferred in check form. Further, you should know about and use secure containers when doing things in or around your home that can be reached by random passersby. I'm sorry to hear about your losses @Murdoc but it sounds like there was nothing untoward that occurred in-game and everything else is just wild speculation and hearsay. From the forum rules (http://uorforum.com/threads/trade-forum-code-of-conduct-updated-6-10-16.17309/):
Maybe this isn't the right place for this kinda stuff, but i found it necessary to post under the thread that was being used to scam someone else. I was under the understanding that someone was using my name to gain access and that person was the individual who owned these two towers. Only to warn future buyers to beware if this is the practice of the seller. Now full circle has come around, Might I apologize for placing this in public instead of PM's. I don't know the full story, but I was told 3 different things. Anyhow I hope you can sell your property without any repercussion or hesitation from potential buyers. I had shown these to Murdoc before I sold them to you Xx-God-Xx so he still thought I owned them, and maybe let you inside thinking it was me? I dunno what happened, but I just want to clear up any doubts.. I was told the impersonating was used in IRC, that was my issue. my intentions were not to derail your thread but only to warn potential buyers.
"Warning potential buyers" is derailing a thread (and against the Trade Forum rules) per @eherruh 's post above. And this would be a stupid way to try and "scam". Your little friend got hoodwinked and it has nothing to do with @Xx-GoD-xX nor this post. Just like when someone advertised their "pop up vendor" and a thief was waiting there to steal my Zookeeper runebook (and probably whatever I would have bought, had I bought it). Was it the vendor? Probably not. Was it an opportunist? Yes, most likely. That's really all there is to it. He's changed his story on what happened multiple times and he has no evidence to back any of his claims up, but really the only person he has to blame for it is himself. Leave @Xx-GoD-xX out of it, he had nothing to do with it. This was a lesson in securing your valuables and basic home security. Learn your lesson and move on! You played yourself and you have no one to blame but yourself, and deflecting onto uninvolved people isn't going to bring your stuff back. I feel for you, but you're wearing on everyone's patience with the baseless and false accusations.
Are you an admin? Didn't you post some bs on another thread a week ago? That was against the *rules* ? the dude apologized for bringing it up on this forum. Let it be done. Typing that much for what?