FREE GIFT WITH EVERY PURCHASE!* Dragons For Sale (STR/HP/DEX/INT) A (red)- 821/824/95/448 35k (SOLD) B (brown)- 822/820/94/441 30k (SOLD) White Wyrms For Sale (STR/HP/DEX/INT) A (pure) - 750/725/127/419 40k SOLD B (pure) - 758/728/129/386 40k SOLD Mares For Sale 1: 511/516/95/105 20k SOLD 2: 516/500/88/124 20k SOLD 3: 522/501/103/107 20k (SOLD) 4: 505/497/89/87 10k (SOLD) Zooks for Sale a raging grizzly 200k SOLD a dark wolf 200K SOLD a snow jaguar 50k a hypno toad 50k (SOLD) a crocodile 50k a flying monkey 5k a flying monkey 5k a bloodthirsty bull 5k (SOLD) PM YM_73#6793 (Finbar) on discord or message here to purchase! *Free gift is a random chance between a holiday coin, a platinum, a flying monkey, and a bloodthirsty bull. Roll made at time of purchase. Restrictions apply, see store for details.