WTS - Mining Villa

Discussion in 'Trading Post' started by Rackir, Mar 18, 2021.

  1. Rackir

    Rackir Renaissance Volunteers
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    Feb 22, 2019
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    This Villa is in a fairly secluded location. Directly West of the treasure marker 96. There are no other houses on the same screen until you hit the Trinsic swamp area. What there are, however, are a metric ass ton of mining nodes all around the Villa. Three of which can be mined from inside. The 3 nodes minable from inside(marked with boxes below) are 2x Iron and 1x Bronze.
    The 20+ nodes on the outside range from Iron to Agapite. They are also on the same screen as the Villa, in various directions Take a look below:
    Mining Villa (2).png location (2).png

    This could be a great trap house. It will take a little more manual work and running back and forth, but there are so many nodes on the same screen that the ore yield will be massive.

    I'll set this auction as 48h/24h - Single Bid/Multiple Bid rules.
    SB will be 450k
    No BO set.
    Gold preferred, however I will accept the following:
    Plat @ 4k
    HC @ 3.5k

    Total sale must be in at least 50% Gold.
  2. Augustus423

    Augustus423 Active Member
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    Aug 4, 2020
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    Not to be the "mining house police" but...

    The node you have listed as bronze is actually two, it hits a bronze node on the west two tiles and a shadow node on the east side.

    The east iron node in the listing is not mineable from inside the house with the houses current position.

    The SW iron node is only mineable right now if you put a castle ladder out form the 2nd floor onto the front planter tile. Technically mineable from "inside" but not ideal.

    If you move the villa over one tile to the east you'll be able to hit the bronze, shadow, and iron nodes, all from decent locations. The other iron node will be fairly easy to kite in for a 4th node.

    Its a solid spot, mining out of villas is underrated. I'm more than happy to help the eventual buyer with a suggested setup and/or tour of one of my 4 node villas.

    If anyone is interested in the potential profitability of this house, the 4 nodes I listed above could be turned over in ~6 minutes with a profit of ~12k per cycle.
    Rackir likes this.
  3. Rackir

    Rackir Renaissance Volunteers
    Renaissance Volunteers
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    Feb 22, 2019
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    That's a fair point.

    I did put platforms up just to test them before posting, and I assumed "inside" the house meant within the house footprint.

    So yeah, what he said.
  4. NickersRed

    NickersRed New Member

    Mar 1, 2021
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