Alright Faction Folks - Who uses GH wands and do they make a noticeable Difference? Would you field more often if you had GH wands?
I think most people use them. In a lot of instances they are they only thing that will keep you alive if you have 2 or more people dumping on you. They certainly make a HUGE difference in survivability when facing more than one opponent in the field. Not having GH wands wouldn't stop me personally from fielding and it didn't before i started using them, but I can only really speak for myself.
The wands are extremely useful. Maybe teaching people who are interested in pvp but do not know how to properly set up/use the wands might make the most difference if you're trying to encourage pvp.
Here's the deal, bout a year back I hit it kinda lucky at an IDOC and got a chest full of GH wands. About a month back I offered them to a well known Faction PVP guy for him to distribute. We never could connect, so I am just gonna take matters into my own hands. ANY Faction Toon stopping by my shop with get a couple GH wands. FOR FREE ! You cant send your alt, and only one visit per week please until they run out. I have 393 charges. now about 100 of those are on 1 & 2 charge wands, the rest are 3+ The only catch is you have to catch me online !!
Giveaway continues to any and all factioneers !! So far COM, SL and TB folks have stopped by and gotten 30+ charges each
Do people have macros/hotkeys assigned for multiple wands? or do you only run with one wand at a time? I just got my first greater heal wands but when I saw they only had 3 charges I thought oh meh must not be worth using. I only know how to use one at a time and have a fireball wand to help give me some time (interrupts) if I get caught by a pk at an awkward time. I don't know if this is a good one to use.
Have yet to see a lightning drop. How much mana does mana drain take out? wand and the spell when cast? I just put it on hotkey last night. Still havent figured out the 1v1ing meta yet.
Mana drain is for removing spell reflection from your enemy, it's not reallt useful as an offensive spell
can you cast explosion on someone then mana drain them with wand before it goes off? Or would the explosion get reflected since MR was up when exp was released?