This thread is still kicking, I hadn't noticed. Yay! lol what the fuck are you even talking about? Citations please, or you're an incoherent rambler and delusional liar of previously undiscovered proportions. To accuse me of stealing and from new players no less, good lord man. I only wish I could get something as potent as whatever the fuck you're smoking these days. I don't and haven't ever really "led" a faction because I'm not an experienced combat leader. I'm merely a grunt trying to get some licks in so I can get better, when I care to. The reason I have room to criticize you is the same reason I do so to literally everyone. Because you chose to play this game and represent yourself in it. Don't like critique? Too fuckin bad. I don't like people abusing the system to take cheap shots but I can't set your lack of good sportsmanship on ignore like you can my critique. Thanks for sharing. Care to present the part where you evidenced us actually being as garbage as you or just the part where we joked about it? At least you understand that it's not beyond me to dream up ways to make factions exactly what you have chosen to. Well done sirs.
Which is never, because you don't actually pvp outside of the forum Inb4 omfggggggg I totally pvp rant
I actually don't keep a blaise folder, so I don't have things like these on hand. Speaking of delusional though Are you actually claiming that TB never abused guards? That TB never cross-factioned? That TB never worked with Minax blues? Then there's the plot to join our faction, which Mes posted logs of? Or is it that you're denying ghosting? Or that you went in with bart on a plot to camp the plat vendor with thieves? Yeah, I can see why you're denying that one, but we had a guy in your mumble listening while you were plotting it. No, we didn't get a recording.
Don't even bother with these hardcore newbs every pvper had more fun when blaise tried to lead tb than fighting troll sl
speaking of fighting the other night we killed out of you guys at our house and then you all logged even though we had even numbers sup with that
This thread is a fantastic example of the overall quality of Faction content on this server. It should be sticky'd as a warni.... guide for those considering joining.
Mostly jabs and ego wylwrk. Banter has always been a part of pvp. Back and forth here is fairly tame compared to other shards.
lol wtf? I've summoned guards, yes, more than once. Never lured them into a base and/or trapped them with faction vendors like a doucher. I have forgone attacking one or two straggling opposing faction players when our concerted efforts would be best spent fighting the single opposing faction that outnumbers us all. Not sure what you mean about Minax "blues" (ie: they don't exist). If you mean the time Sandro was hanging out around TB base on his CHAOS character while I came up and fought him on my ORDER character, uhhhh, sure. I still don't know what "work" you're referring to. We were just fighting because it's fun. The plot to join your faction was discourse about things that could be done to get on your level of apathy for decency in warfare. Ultimately, I will never go that far, which is why it never happened. Talking about how to be as shitty as you in Factions, isn't quite the same as actually doing it. When I've done something that abuses mechanics in ways they were never intended, feel free to cite that all day. I haven't, so feel free to say "TB" and assume that's me all day. You're still just fabricating bullshit to make yourself feel better about needing mechanical abuse to win, even when you actually have the fucking combat skills to do it like an adult. I have never left my ghost anywhere for any relevant length of time and if someone in mumble mentions seeing you on a ghost, it's not my plan or intention to abuse that. I speak out against it and mock my own group for shit like that too. Feel free to ask them. I have never had a thief outside of Quentin training it up briefly for faction sigils. I have never stolen from a player character and never will. You're completely daft if you believed some dumbass who sat in our mumble listening in. While I can't say bart or many other people wouldn't plot to park thieves at the platinum vendors, I sure as shit wouldn't. Sorry, not sorry, but you're dumb as a bag of rocks. Next time bring something tangible to the table. Your consistent lies about me prove nothing other than your fragile ego is bruised from all the shitty things you do that you think 'everyone' does. Go fist yourself.
This is another one of those moments where I find myself wondering if you're doing this intentionally, or you're just really dense. You've missed the point of an argument that I've explicitly stated the point of dozens upon dozens of times. I think there is a large amount of hypocrisy in the community and a lot of people whining about tactics that they themselves use. I do think you're guilty of this. You can maintain plausible deniability all you like, and write huge paragraphs about how you're a great guy all day, but that doesn't really mean much. Well, you're good at fooling newbies - I'll give you that. You're such a brick wall, though, through either intentional misrepresentation or just general ignorance that it is very difficult to have a rational conversation with you. So, please, for the sake of the community, stop whining so much about pvpers being pvpers. Go back to bitching about how orc rpers aren't orky enough for you or something. There is no issue that can be resolved by you involving yourself in it, as you are incapable of seeing anyone's side of things but your own. Well, to be more accurate, you don't even have a clear image of what your side of things are - all you see is your prejudices and personal opinions. The pvp community could improve, but it's very difficult for it to do so with people like you - who sit on the sidelines and don't even participate - talking shit about everybody. Just let it go, bro. You're always harping about grudges and how people should let go of them, it's time for you to take your own advice.
Well I dunno, you cited a bunch of fake ass bullshit that I had nothing to do with. If those things happened, I wasn't involved or have already explained my opinion on the matter. I'm sorry your sleuthing techniques led you astray. I own up to everything I do personally, so when you've got something tangible, do let me know. "Cross factioning" is probably something you feel as strongly about as I do about guard turrets and tamers in factions. It's ok to have feelings, I don't hold it against you. I just think you're off base and a liar when you fabricate statements about what you think I've done, to counter facts I've stated about what many people know you've done. Just like people being lame in factions makes me not want to take part, orcs not being the same ruleset that they were for the history I've had fighting them, had the same result. I stopped warring them like I stopped factioning. So go ahead and say I don't participate and talk shit about everyone. It's cool and the gang. Just keep feeding yourself that bullshit so that you don't get too distracted by enjoying the game. lol