it be really cool if we had someone to moderate pvp and put an end to all the dumb shit. Servers near 700 but still rare to see pvp. What a shame
So basically, you do all the shit we do. Thanks for establishing that. I guess the next question: if you do the same shit we do, why are you always complaining about it? It's funny to watch you complain about "abuse of mechanics" when your faction did the exact same shit. Well, I guess in your case, it's only "abuse of mechanics" when it's mechanics you don't like. I have another question for you - why do people always act like we discourage pvp when it's guys like you, who don't even pvp, that show up and circlejerk about how bad pvp is when new players show up?
Hail xXx, welcome to UOR - the best server out! I will try to sum up the pvp/faction/pk scene as it stands. PVP: I consider this 1v1 battles whether on the field or the pits. When I log on my pk (Betty Bangzer) I usually find decent 1v1s with some battles ending with a stalemate - either my opponent recalling off due to no supplies or myself running low. *Very fun* Faction scene: Couple fights break out here and their in a weeks time where the numbers are maybe 8v8 between SL and COM. These battles sometimes last 10-20 minutes and is overall very fun but SL usually wins in the end. Minax is picking back up and I heard TB will be increasing too so maybe we can have some more epic battles in the future! (Before you join a faction - get established first then choose. SL has decent numbers, COM has decent numbers and Minax is picking up. The small group is TB atm.) PK scene: The pkers on this server on all sides are pretty decent. Yeah they're 4+ pk squads and most of them will res up and not loot (I do dryloot some folks and I do give back to the new players), but majority of pks here are chill. Overall the pvp/faction/pk scene fluctuates but more and more folks are joining so we might see some awesome battles break out! LONG LIVE UOR!
Honestly... when I made this post, I could not have asked for a better representation of the pvp here than the microcosm of this thread. Combined with some very helpful PM's from the very guys bickering back and forth in here... I have literally learned every single thing about this shards PvP lol. Every single server has this kind of back and forth... it's what enemies do. It is what makes UO.. UO ! Everyone has a different 'code' of what they feel is 'fair' in PvP.. and some people have no code at all. If the game allows it.. they do it. I can respect both philosophies honestly. I have played every major server for the past 10 years or so.. and especially in the past 5 I have had long stints on UOSA/IPY2/UOF, if any of you played end game for a good amount of time on those servers in the past 5 years I am sure you would know my chars names. But I am going for a fresh start here, instead of having 20 guys trying to get me to start a guild.. I want to be a member damnit.. no responsibility! Log on.. kill.. log off! And THANKS to this thread... I know exactly where I am going and who I will be fighting with, and what kind of fights I am going to get ;-) I can't wait to loot you all, truly. But no worries... I only take empty bottles. ALL YUR BOTTLES BELONG TO ME. Just remember this guys: Your enemies in PvP are the best friends you have on this server. Without them to fight you.. there is no PvP. And without PvP.. there are no PvPers.. So you need to treat your enemies with respect, and you need to avoid being a Dbag or doing Dbag type things to them. The best revenge they can get on you.. is by not GIVING you the action you desire. Action is a gift, thank them for their fight and move on. Asshole attitudes of the big and powerful groups... will kill the PvP on any server as quick as you can say LOLOLOLPWNED.
lol, no, you seem to be having trouble reading. That last statement about abuse of mechanics, is what I don't do. I don't control a faction any more than any of you. If faction members I'm playing with are getting shady, I will speak out against it and/or remove myself from the situation (Reminder: I left SL for these reasons, not just beef with Lib). When I find myself in conversations, like the one where I was talking about placing faction traps in ridiculous locations to prevent the controlling faction from placing more, I realize that I have no interest in becoming what I hate about the way some people play games. This is not exclusive to UO. Some, probably most, gamers don't give any shits about how the game was designed or intended. They only care about success through any means, whether it makes sense, or is obviously something that was never intended to be possible. To each their own, but I won't be going down that road. This is a loaded question, but I'll take a stab anyway, in parts. You discourage PvP by telling the people that have and could bring you fights, that they don't pvp. If you'd be so kind as to show me where it is exactly that I told anyone that pvp is bad, I'd really appreciate it. This new player wanted the straight dirt, so I gave it up the only way I know how. Straight up. I did say that like names are lames, which is an opinion but an honest representation of how some folks choose to fight around here. It's not that I'm incapable of being nefarious, it's that I don't like how I feel about it when I have been, so I tend to avoid it when I can or change course when I realize I've taken a bad path.
Quite the contrary, I've had some good times PvPing with folks lately. Just because I don't spend my time feeding the SL masses doesn't mean I'm not killing and being killed. I'm sure you haven't forgotten John Galt's little stumble in the woods north of Britain last month. I can imagine the burn is only that much more flavorful when he doesn't just die...but dies to me. Anyway, I'm sure I'll see you in the field again soon enough. Cheers.
i dont exactly get hung up on shit like this. i lost a duel to crooks once too but i dont sit up at night dwelling on it. this was a fight where we killed and looted you all a couple times. i got dunked one time, handed out counts and picked up every piece of my loot. i was over it as soon as i had ressed my man. i was happy to fight. it was kind of a funny scenario to be a blue running down a pack of reds with blaise in it. There was a time when you were all self righteous about pking and great justice and trash bags. But there's nothing wrong with you playing a red, genuinely. Just kind of a scenario i don't think either of us would have imagined two years ago. I remember this one time in summer 2013 me and Fal and Napo were at brit GY on reds and you had assembled this crew of blues, with Lib and the pvp crowd and paws and others to lynch us. The fight started in almost the exact same spot you guys were househiding at the other day. Who would have thought a couple years down the road you'd have been the red running around in a pack instead. (Again to be clear I'm not passing some moral judgement, there is absolutely nothing wrong with you pking. It's just an amusing thought to me) terrible razor packet video inc...
You're right, I should have been more specific. It is possible that you pvp in some secluded corner that I can't see. But this thread is about factions, and you certainly don't faction. How do I know? With the other three factions allied, we're the only game in town for oranges. I haven't seen you playing the game at all recently, excluding that one time we caught you on your red trying to gank tamers with bart's crew.
I haven't been on the forums for a week and everyone got soft on me? Complimenting one another? FUCK THAT