I'm sure this has been discussed in the past, but here we go... How would everyone feel about allowing bolas in certain areas?? I understand if this were implemented across the entire server, it would have a negative impact on PvP. I would never suggest something that would hurt traffic to our server, that is not what I am asking for. That being said, what's wrong with giving orcs the ability to use bolas around our fort? Our Fort is a very small area, and it's pretty obvious that most humans that visit us are looking to fight. We are happy to provide Renaissance with a real live monster to fight and interact with. One of our primary goals is to engage humans either out in the field or encourage them to visit our Fort for battle. I'm sure most of you are aware, that as orcs we limit ourselves as to what equipment and skills we are allowed to use. For example, no orcs are allowed to use magery AT ALL, unless granted special permission From our God's to do so. These orcs can start an orcish mage character (a Mojaka) that are extremely limited on what weapons they may use (only daggers and Qstaffs are available for Mojakas). Typically, there is only 1 Mojaka per 4 orcs online. When you combine our roleplay, limitations on character builds, number of mages allowed and the fact that we are on foot, the use of bolas around our own Fort seems trivial. Please support Urk in gaining the use of bolas (only within range of our Fort). NOOGGRRAAAHH!!!!!
This is the idea, only within range of our forest Fort. Definitely inside the walls and if possible the immediate area surrounding the Fort, where our houses are (I feel like if bolas were only implemented inside the Fort, people will camp our houses instead of coming to the Fort)
I personally Hate Bolas and dismount Archery, that said.... if a region that was designated "Orc Owned" and had NPC ORCS with the ability to dismount Oomies WITHOUT leaving a Bola on the ground, I wouldn't care. Example- "you get a swinging message" from a "dismount scout in range" with a few seconds warning to get out of range or be dismounted. Or if a Scout could dismount on % with a "Bow Hit". I would prefer seeing a "Warg" mount, and leave Dismount Stealth Archers and Bolas in the "Dead bad Idea Box" I would say the same exact thing if we had "Savages"
Nice idea. I like the way you want it only around/inside your fort. If I remember, the Orc Fort outside of Cove the orcs used bolas. Not all of them used bolas. As only certain of your Orc's can be mages, perhaps only certain orcs can use bolas, not every orc which joins your guild. This way a player who happens into the fort, wouldn't be bombarded by multiple bolas So I would say yes go for it, with limitations. ( believe limitations should be put on any "special" item for guild role play. And the guilds should have to be a guild and prove their role play ability, for a time period before getting items.) Good luck with this. Marjo Governess of Wispfelt Westra on irc.
Personally i'm open to bolas being used anywhere in the realm. The same people that 100% disagree with bolas are the same people that go out of there way to harass non mounted people.
I've thought about doing this for our spawn (we don't have any as of now). The issue I have with only giving NPC orcs this ability is that unless the spawn timer on them is extremely fast or there is an orcish mage NPC that can dispell, ummies can drop by while we're not around and toss a couple EV's in the Fort, pretty much eliminating our use of bolas. When our activity picks up, we should have more higher ranks of orcs such as Captains, Lords, Elders, ect... that can exclusively be given this ability.
I like the idea of it being in the Orc region. They're never on mounts and always handicapped by people on mounts. Yes, I realize that's their own fault and they choose to role play orcs.. But is it such a bad idea to allow a rule set to even the playing field. Most people who wander near their fort are looking for action anyways, why not have action on possible equal terms?
What's to stop a pirate guild from requesting a feature to be able to "board" any boats that enter water that is deemed their territory? All the forest outside my keep is PANDA WOODS, but you don't see me asking for special treatment. The URKS just started being active again and have had a fort for a long time with little going on. Let them re-earn their current ground before giving them more Staff aid.
So far the shard offered great possibilitys for Guilds who wanted to play a certain faction (Undead, Orcs or Pirates for example) I would see it as a great addition to add some small buffs to the URKs since its very easy for me to take them on even 1v4 if im mounted and use Magery. Not that it would make fights more challenging, it would be also much more rewarding for people to join RP Guilds like that instead of getting Steamrolled by Mages all day long. TLDR: Bolas for URKs could be a great addition.
I mean.. You could ask for special climbable trees? I see your point and there's always a pro and con to special treatment. I guess I'm just a sucker for RP and options that make it more exciting for certain guilds. However, with that said - I agree with the idea of having them "prove" their activity more and teir involvement with the server. Realistically, what's stopping a group of people to start another Orc guild and base themselves by an orc fort etc.. I still like the idea! But I can understand your hesitation for any type of "special treatment".