So, I just joined and getting ready to start training my first Character. Can I get an idea from someone about the housing situation? Are there a lot of open spots still?
Yes, there are spaces for small houses just about anywhere. Many owners have multiple houses. If you look at the right time, you might even place your own large tower.
There is alot of spot left for large marble. Like Plankton said, u can even find spot for large tower! Welcome on the server and see u soon on the field ;D Have fun, best server out there and alot of fun guaranted!!!
Thanks guys! So, I am prolly 65% PVE(Treasure hunting and dungy crawling) and 35% PVP(even though I suck at it). Is it hard to PVE here without harassment?
Plenty of spots left, no worries on that. Make yourself a handy recall macro, keep magic reflect up, bank loot often, and a sharp eye out for trouble and you should be fine. And welcome to UOR!
Well, just be prepared to recall. Get some protection up all the time as reflect and pouch. U need some pots of heal, cure and refresh and u are set. I hunt often at blood and LL and its pretty rare when i die, just fight at right spot and get inc name active. Most of the time i see the inc and i'm rdy to fight or escape! See you!
Welcome to UOR! Plenty of housing spots out there for smaller than a large tower. PLENTY just go out and run around and you will find them. Lg Tower theres still open land somewhere but I looked about 1-2 weeks ago and couldnt find any. Could be 1 or 2 obscure ones somewhere but I couldnt find 'em. Smaller than a Lg Tower? NP at all though. Start saving gold you will be in your home pretty fast. If you are BRAND new...harvest cotton and make bolts of cloth. You can get enough gold for your large marble with surplus in 2 hours or less I think. Its 100% safe and can be done 100% in town with 0% chance of waste of time or losses. (PS - sell the bolts of cloth to a player)
I can't remember the exact cost on a large marble, but are you suggesting that one can make over 100k an hour harvesting cotton? This can't be right...
I just can't believe it... The fastest cash in the server is harvesting cotton? That's faster money than I make with my tamer bard. And before you ask, it's even when I'm gating from spawn to spawn and using restock agent to loot and organizers to unload.
I think my math was off.....its not nearly as much as I thought actually....... Looking at it more closely now and running the numbers I overestimated. Still shouldnt be hard for a new player to grind out the 192k but.....yea its not going to happen in 2-3 hours of cotton farming. My bad on that. The new math it drives kids crazy I tell ya!!!!