It's true, me and balla sat around for an hour before you went to fight him then recalled never to be seen again. You claim you want fair fights then run from them. I'm pretty sure you're not going to be happy so long as your losing and that's that
Where do you think our points have been coming from lately? Here's a hint: it's you guys. I don't give a shit about points. I give a shit about winning fights, controlling the field, and getting the loot at the end. If I have to die to accomplish these things, I will happily lead the charge and die to make the win happen. If I cared about points, I would do like many others do (and several of them in com do this) and pool points on a character I rarely play. I don't do this, both of my heavily played factioners have around the same amount of points from natural play. Points don't mean much, but the fact that our faction has the majority of the points in the system tends to suggest that we win most of the fights. If we were losing lots of fights, we would be losing all of the points we have to the other factions. The idea that we only care about points is silly, though. I'm amused every time I hear it. There are a couple of us that do care about points, I am definitely not among them. Personally, I think that points are a mechanic somewhat counterproductive to gameplay - they only reward the last shot. I often either contribute meaty damage early in a dump or spam poison to make sure the kill actually happens. They're good ways to secure kills, but you really are most likely to be rewarded with points by waiting and dumping late in the attack to try and snipe the kill shot. I don't think they're a good metric for determining who is doing the most work within a faction, but they do tend to suggest which faction is getting the most kills. SL has been wearing a crosshair for quite some time now, and we've recently been through periods of heavy fighting with TB and com, and sometimes against all of the other factions allied against us. The fact that we still hold the overwhelming majority of points in the system (and on characters we all fight on as well) tends to suggest that we're doing something right. Oh yes, and on the topic of this being derailed to a trash talk thread - at this point, that's fine. Now that Roman has disagreed, the discussion is pretty much over. None of you guys will speak out against him, since an overwhelming majority of you have your future faction hopes pinned on Sandro and Roman coming back to carry you.
Every single PvP character I have is public, so feel free to go check the history of the PvP I "don't" do. Not that I could even tell which one of those Dork Nuggets is you because I don't care, but I see gogurt slayer in that list as well. Granted, it's not your combatant character but he died to me in PvP. Long story short, eat shit you tagalong. napo, I've always respected your disinterest in point collection or other drama related bits in combat. That's certainly not the norm unfortunately as most people want kill points, easy wins and every scrap of loot on a body as some sort of trophy. Personally, when I get involved, all I want to do is fight and get more practice fighting. Much like everything I do in UO though, I go through cycles of giving a shit and not. Presently I don't really give a shit about much of anything in UO and it has nothing to do with SandRoman. I assume you would get behind point atrophy though so it's not really any argument. I do think Roman is pretty accurate in his reply here but that's not to say I agree with it entirely. I think that buffs/debuffs should be removed from what can/can't be casted on enemy factioners. Not sure what negative impact that may have as no one has really given feedback to that regard.
Lol yeah the time I mentioned when you and unknown hero ganked a 42 str 0 resist theif, I don't doubt this was a huge victory for someone who apparently does 70% of the pvp they take part in in a house, hiding from actual pvpers. No one on this shard takes you seriously blaise, even new players know you're just a rager and a troll. Please continue to hurl your insults to show what a child you are, I, nor anyone else will begin to think you matter. I'm sorry you're not important
Point atrophy is a sticky issue for me. I think that point atrophy with nothing to counterbalance it would probably be a bit too extreme - factions is small and new players aren't very common. Points don't enter the system unless new players do. I can think of only two possible outcomes if point atrophy was introduced - there would either be no points in the system, or the only people with points would be those that are constantly rotating their alts in and out of factions to generate new points for them to farm. If point atrophy were introduced, I think it would need to be counterbalanced by point regeneration for -6 people back up to 0. That way points are entering the system to offset those that atrophy. I don't think it's a terribly important issue though, I don't think something like this would change the disposition of points very much. The same people would still have most of the points as it would still be about who kills more than they die. The only real consequence is that those really old characters in the system that don't fight anymore would slowly lose their points, but those people don't play and I can't think of many issues that they cause by existing. As for the beneficial spells issue, I don't think it's a terribly important thing either and tend to favor era accuracy in this situation. One possible abuse I can think of is that if cunning and the spells like it were taken off of the list of spells prohibited to be cast on factioners, people could bring blue buffers along to assist them in faction fights. While probably not gamebreaking, this would be annoying and I don't like annoying things. Like Roman said, in terms of 1v1 countering cunning is as easy as feebleminding yourself. Feeblemind also costs less mana than cunning so trying to force it is a losing battle, at least in the case of a mage battle. Trying to force it on a dexer (in this case you'd be using agility instead of cunning) would still cost like a third or a half of your mana and it would be difficult to nuke while that low on mana. I think that such debuff shenanigans is relatively boring and it really only works on people you probably would have killed anyway. Anyone capable will see what you're doing and take steps to counter you. So I guess my thoughts on it are that it's a minor issue at best, and it runs against era accuracy and opens up the potential for abuse. I'm not really sure how the prohibition on casting it works in the code. Can you not cunning an enemy factioner because they're orange to you? Or is it because they're in factions and you're being treated by the same rules that apply to blues by the game? I'd be interested to see how the game itself sees this issue, as I believe the message when you try to cast a beneficial spell on a factioner as an orange is the same you see as a blue.
The reason point atrophy would help is due to the stagnant players holding points. I've had CL spot on my crafter for months now and it's stupid. You're right the points have to come from somewhere and if we had proper IP restrictions for faction membership, players would be hindered from farming faction points. Put up the skill threshold on faction membership to at least 500 real skill points and let atrophy work on negatives also, regaining 1 point per day until you are at 0 again. Same for those in the positive, lose one point per day until you are at 6 (I think that's a fair bottom end to atrophy of positive points.) You're partially right that SOME of the same people would still have most of the points but quite a few would trickle down to the bottom of the lists where they belong, for not being active. I'm mostly disinterested in the debuff factors but if you can cite situations for abuse like that, I can understand leaning toward era accuracy as it is really minor and unimportant. I believe the messages are the same, about unable to perform beneficial acts on your target, whether you are blue or orange to the faction target.
Once again bringing nothing at all to the thread other than trash talk so I return in kind. Learn to get what you give, moron.
This issue came up again during the tournaments I was previously running. The complaints were both the standard buff/debuff complaint as well as the objection that factioners can interrupt nonfactioners bandage cycling, but not the other way around. I had an idea: Apply the same restrictions in reverse. Factioners can not perform beneficial acts on non-factioners. This levels the playing field without any blue healer issues.
How does that combat blue healers if reversed? That means blues can still cast buffs and heals on factioners
I must not be explaining clearly enough, so I'll try again. I'm saying keep the current restrictions, but apply their opposites in addition. Currently, as I'm sure you are aware, blues can not buff or heal factioners. I am suggesting that the reverse also become true. In other words, make it so nonfactioners and factioners both have the same restrictions when targeting members of the opposite group - nonfactioners can't heal/buff factioners, factioners can't heal/buff nonfactioners. This levels the playing field without disturbing what many people see as the main advantage to factions over O/C.
Perhaps if you just said in addition your original post would've made sense, let's not act like your failure to iterate your thoughts is my fault.
I have no idea how you got that out of that. I'm aware of the fact that I'm often bad at explaining things. No sarcasm.