1. Carpentry and tinker bods 2. 20ex agapite platemail gorget bod 3. 1000 plat so I can get a statue in my image.
1. Jack-O-Lantern 2. Christmas Tree 3. For ililililililil to stop dry looting my crafters after he kills them ......
This is a fun thread 1. Vet Reward system (3 years was when the vet system on UO kicked in) As part of Christmas and a gift to veteran players I believe we should have a nice vet reward system. Why? Events like the Anniversary random gift bags have minimal gift outs on desires items like masks and sandals. The event is my all time favorite event, but this is a competition that you participate in to win prizes. Great prizes, great fun, but still not a system that equally gifts veterans. Christmas in classic UO always provided free holday gifts. A lot of times they were pretty bad, but sometimes you'd get some good stuff. The Christmas event we have here is a million times better. It's more fun, overland spawn of elves, the instanced grinch/santa events. The rewards are usually top notch. But this is something that must be earned too. The vet reward system should just be like hey, thanks for playing, it's been 3 years already, here's something nice (combine it with the holiday season because it fits the gift tradition.) Off of the top of my head an idea would be something similar to this 1 gift per year per account initial, so max would be 3 at this point, then next year 1 gift could be chosen (alternate gifts would be super awesome) Beta players singing crystal ball Lord Brits throne Chaos Shrine Ankh With shrine Any choice of anniversary hair or mask dye or sandals choice of a variety of server births type items choice of any spell book drop (such as necronomicon, elven tome, etc) with some items limitations could be implemented so as not to duplicate anything that should only be one of a kind 3 year players Char Statues Ethy Various plat and bod reward types suitable and other various items choice of classic item (such as santa's lists, orc scout maps, etc) 2 years runebook bless deed statue level deco like the dragons and plants mid to low level bod rewards statue that says "Late to the game" 1 year Pack horse newbie lock picks extra house lockdowns/secures etc etc
1. Carpentry BoDs 2. New Craftables 3. Plant Growing 4. Glacial Stave 5. Singing Ball 6. Bushes, Path and dock for my tower in yew Yeah I put 6 cause the 1st 3 while what I want most, Santa Chris wont have this year. Now the rest is completely within his goodie bag... Tho I am sure I was a bad boy this year and only deserve coal