Hey Guys, Im interested in getting back into fishing and hunting some deep sea serps, gets pretty boring out there by myself. Anyone interested in going on a few fishing expeditions? Let me know
TiMi, sure thing! My fisher(s) are at sea quite often to get those amibs on my vendor word on the sea is... they can use some company! regards, Grinder Neptune
Awesome grinder! , im in irc most of the time, feel free to hit me up for some fishing on the sea Regards TiMi
TiMi Many folks fish during the tournaments. Here a link to the last one: http://uorforum.com/threads/a-faber-fishing-tournament.14907/
wow zyler i must of just missed the last one, looks exciting! so you dont actually fish up a big fish? you fish up a sea serpent then said fish is on its corpse?
That's correct. All serpents you fish up will have a special net, lvl 1 t-map, mib(message in a bottle), or a big fish.