I can tell by the care you put into that meme, that you were definitely trolling and not just a liar. You got me so good.
"one of the most dishonest" dis·hon·est disˈänəst/ adjective behaving or prone to behave in an untrustworthy or fraudulent way. "he was a dishonest hypocrite prepared to exploit his family" intended to mislead or cheat. "he gave the editor a dishonest account of events" I stand by my comment because there has been COUNTLESS times when you, @Blaise , and your group have used your knowledge and influence to mislead and cheat others on this shard. I am sure there are many that will agree with my statement. As for your next comment (in a slurred drunk Californian accent) " Prove that we have been dishonest! " I will not invest that much time to dig up chat text and forum posts to further show that you are a turd. I will just leave this name here, which tells it all...Iago
You're drawing a lot of conclusions from literally nothing. At least you have the time to invest in pretty formatting for your vitriol. I'll be ready to discuss anything tangible you have in regards to claims of dishonesty, regarding anything I do here, should you actually be able to provide it.