Going to do a few auctions, first round begins now! Current bids in YELLOW - please check other posts for additional bids - updated as of 12:44pm EST 8/22 For all items: Bidding ends 48 hours after final bid If there are no bids on the lots within the first 24 hours of this post they will be broken up individually Plat @ 8.5k Keep bid increments reasonable No B/O's unless otherwise noted All proceeds from this sale will be donated to various player run events (fishing tourney, scavenger hunt, free resists, etc) Current bids in YELLOW - please check other posts for additional bids - updated as of 12:44pm 8/22 ************************************************************************************************************************ LOT A: 6 polar bear furs - S/B 500k 900k Iago From left-right then down as follows: rarefur4 - 902 - (1 of 2) rarefur2 - 922 - (1 of 1) rarefur4 - 905 - (1 of 3) rarefur4 - 904 - (1 of 3) rarefur1 - 903 - (1 of 3) rarefur3 - 904 - (1 of 2) ========================= LOT B: Spooky candles hue 1626 (+1 orange) - S/B 250k 2M TrojanCow 3x skulls - (3 of 13) 4x tall candles - (4 of 13) 4x medium - (4 of 13) (2 not pictured) 3x thin (+1 orange) - (3 of 9) ========================= LOT C: 31 dyed runebooks - S/B 500k 800k CaptainMorgan mostly hue 2209 (green) and 2219 (blue) small rune library, various town/npc books, event gates, etc etc (some duplicates) ========================= LOT D: 9 Christmas tree deeds - S/B 500k 750k CaptainMorgan ========================= LOT E: 117 candles - S/B 250k 250k Hydrox ========================= LOT F: Ichor pack, 8 pieces - S/B - 500k 2.5m Treasureman 2x rarebloodwall3 - (2 of 4) 1x rarebloodwall2 - (1 of 3) 2x rarebloodtile5 - (2 of 5) 1x rarebloodtile4 - (1 of 2) 1x rarebloodtile2 - (1 of 2) 1x rareblooditle3 - (1 of 2) ========================= LOT G: rock collection, 40 rocks - S/B 500k 1.3M CaptainMorgan 6x rarerock1 10x rarerock2 1x rarerock3 3x rarerock4 4x rarerock5 2x rarerock6 7x rarerock7 2x rarerock8 5x rarerock9 ========================= ITEM H: Hearth of the Home Fire - S/B 350k B/O 900k 500k AlexCCCP ========================= ITEM I: Standing Suit of Silver Armor - S/B 500k 1M Fraggle ========================= ITEM J: 24 piece platinum carpet - S/B 1.26 million B/O 3.24 million 3.05M Iago can be converted into the other styles/pieces by double clicking ========================= LOT K: 113 holiday bags - S/B 50k 75k Taliic ========================= Happy bidding!