Man Tonight was the best PVP I have seen on this shard in a while...... Huge field fights.... an insane POD fight..... won some lost some..... but all in all a crazy night....... Thanks CPU.... it was awesome
Would have loved being on the sidelines and cheering each side on. lol Reminds me way, way back when there were red guild wars vs blue guilds. (not server wars), they were usually staged out of West Brit. and the real deal. Glad you all had a great time. Marjo Governess of Wispfelt irc Westra
If there was a way to make 20v20 pvp arena (respawns,kill counts etc like ctf instances) to just hate it out together!
I've actually suggested to Telamon that he revamp the original arena (outside of Delucia) into one massive arena that supports large team battles. No such luck yet, but I wouldn't write it off either.
I recall them existing in Trinsic and Delucia pre-AoS but I could be delusional I guess. Wasn't Dupre a Paladin too?
LOL your reply is priceless when considering the joke I made. YouTube / Spoony Ultima series review. start from the first... any ultima fan will not be disappointed
It was specifically the review of Ultima IX, which was a pile of shit...though I still played it all the way through. lol
One of the classic fails that I remember was the world size, which sucked ass because it was 3D/First Person. On a clear day with a good video card you could literally see Trinsic from the balcony of LB's castle. /facepalm
YouTube / Spoony Ultima series review. start from the first... any ultima fan will not be disappointed[/quote] Spoony is a demon in disguise. Looters Inc. that guy play UOR?